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Everyone was eager to know what was waiting behind the gate. "I wonder what this phase has for us" I nudged Leorio "Not sure..."

Then the gates were fully opened, tables in rows were on the lawn of a huge house in front "Will all the applicants who passed the First Phase please enter?"

A woman sat in front, with...some revealing clothes..but her hair does look nice. And another, he sat behind the woman. "Welcome, all!" She smiled "I'm Menchi, your examiner for the Second Phase."

"And likewise, I'm Buhara." He introduced. Wow, two examiners this time? Someone's stomach started to rumble, I guess someone's really hungry...

"Sounds to me someone's hungry" She smiled. "Not just hungry, I'm famished!" He whined. Menchi stood up "Well, there you have it. The Second Phase..."

"Will be cooking!" She pointed. "-wait...we're cooking?" "-huh?" Confused mumbles went among us, 'this is the Hunter Exam, not a cooking show' they are probably thinking. But this is actually a good thing, while being a Hunter we must fend and feed ourselves when there's no one around, so I'd say this is a good pick! "What do you mean, we're cooking? We came here to take the Hunter Exam." Someone protested "That's right, the Second Phase of the exam will be preparing a meal that'll satisfy our pallets" She explained. I sigh "Some people won't get it..."

"Why do we have to cook?" someone whined, like a child might I say. "Don't you know? It's simple really, because we're Gourmet Hunters!" Menchi grinned. "Huh?"

First it started out as a chuckle, then a whole laugh. Everyone was laughing at the girl. "So, you're both Gourmet Hunters. And what exactly do you want us to make?" A man spoke. Menchi glared but didn't make an outburst, almost like she's trying to contain it... "Buhara?"

Buhara stood up, making a thump on the ground. "Today's required ingredient will be pork." He shouted out "Pork? You mean like pig meat?"

But the only pigs are just one species, Damn! I forgot what that name was....

"What else dumbass" I grin. "Why you!-"
"Feel free to use meat from any species of pig in Visca Forest. As you see, you'll use these cooking facilities to prep your pork dishes. To pass the exam, you must create a dish to satisfy our discriminating palates." He explained

Menchi finally stepped in "But we won't be evaluating taste alone. So take this seriously. Is that clear?" She glared. "When we've both eaten our fill, this portion of the exam will be over."

"Okay, enough talk. Let's just get to it, alright?" Someone groaned. "Let the exam's Second Phase..." Buhara hit his stomach, making a gong noise, signalling it's begun. Everyone started racing out the gates, they wasted no time with being this far. Everyone was everywhere, looking for the soon-to-be eaten pig. But there was none in sight! "Where are these damn pigs?" I scoff.

"Here, piggy, piggy, piggy!" I yell out. "We gatta catch a pig and cook it, huh? Man, this is way easier than the First Phase" Leorio chuckled. "What's important is the flavour." I cross my arms. "I just hope it's that simple" Kurapika spoke. I nod, but this is a test of cooking skills. I'm not that experienced but I'm sure I can just go down memory lane with Granpa...

Gon suddenly jumped down the hill, he went down like a slide! Killua joined right after, cheering like a little boy. I smiled and followed, then the cheer turned into a scream. Killua bumps into Gon, I to Killua, Leorio to me and Kurapika to leorio. I could feel his heat on my back, I felt the heat in my cheeks go warmer

"Argh! Leorio!" I shout "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Killua growled. "I found them." "-huh?"

"Pigs!" Leorio cheered. Huge ones in fact..."They're all...chewing bones."

"Don't tell me...They're carnivores?" I sighed out. One noticed us, creating a scream attracting the rest toward us. We all screamed running away. We got to rest of the group, they all ran away screaming also

These pigs started charging at people, showing no mercy on them. "These pigs are insane!" Leorio shouted. I laugh "Hah ha! The Great Stamp! Of course they would be here!"

 I laugh "Hah ha! The Great Stamp! Of course they would be here!"

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People started making their attempts at striking the pig. But, no one could figure out their weak point. I hit the back of the pig, I tried hitting its legs, but nothing! These pigs are tougher than they seem

"Tch! These pigs sure have tough skin"
I seen Gon in the air, he struck the pig on its forehead, killing it. "Oooooh! That's it's weak spot!" I smile

"I see, their snouts are for protection!" Then, everyone else finally got the hang of getting the pigs. They're cries were all over the place, once everyone got their pigs, we all ran straight to our kitchens. People started their fires, cooking the pig.

I started to add ingredients to it. "Hey, is there BBQ sauce there?" I ask. "Hm? Let me see, but why would you want BBQ sauce? It's a pig" Leorio questioned

"I have some experience cooking, I was taught young" I smile. Some one was already done! But...his doesn't look too appetizing. I bet he hasn't even added anything in it! it's just cooked

Everyone started serving their pigs. Buhara always have a point for everyone's he ate, Menchi always took away a point, it's either overcooked, too charred, raw or no flavour.

"She sure is serious about her job" I chuckle. As I was just about to add the sauce, I paused. I could make what my Gigi's always done. I quickly sliced the pig, adding some newer sauces and peaches. Then threw it in the oven

"Seriously? Can't anyone out there make something that'll satisfy my taste buds?" She yelled. "That's it! The Second Phase is a cooking test, but they're judging us based on originality and observation." Kurapika said

I chuckle. I don't think so...I am on my own for this, the boys can handle themselves, I hope. Leorio went up, he had a Hunters flag in the pig, as if that will get you to pass...

"Is this supposed to be a kids meal?!" Menchi screamed, flipping the table. Next was Gon, his failed, then Kurapika. I have to say, his does look good...
It seems Kurapika failed as well.

I'm still waiting for mine. ding! Oh hey it's done. I grab it out, then made my way to the two Examiners. "Sorry I was slow, cooking does take time" I nervously chuckle. Menchi examined it, taking a bite. She actually took a bite out of it! She wasn't saying anything, as for Buhara, he gave a thumbs up. But what's important is Menchi's approval.

She stood up "So, none of you passed the next phase. Exam's over!" She yelled out. "HUH? You mean my cooking wasn't good?!" I cry out. She completely ignored me

Everyone gasped. She's seriously disqualified everyone? Talk about a female Gordon Ramsey...

End of Chapter 10

Hello! This was made March 5th! And yes, there are a lot of chapters I've written these past few days, but, it will be uploaded on Fridays and Sundays

I hope you all have a good day

(Just an update a tad early, I'm pretty busy on Friday, so here's an early one!)-2021-3-11


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