Chapter 1: exchange students

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"Hey! Adie! Come down we have something to tell you about!" My mum called at me from the living room.
"I'll be there in a sec!" I called back grabbing my iPod, jumping off my bed. After that perfect dismount I run out of my room being careful to avoid the organised chaos that layered my floor. Ah tenagehood, a time for procrastinating.
I ran into the lounge and looked around for mum. When I saw her I smiled.
"What did you wish of me Mother dearest?" I asked in a faux English accent.
"Well you're school has called us asking if we were still willing to take in an exchange student. How did our name end up on their list?" my mother asked. My blood ran cold.
"Umm well I thought that it might be a cool idea and well you did sign the permission form, but you don't have to if you don't want to," I tried to smooth the situation over.
"Well too late now, we were the only family left who could take anyone in so we're having two boys coming over in three weeks," I breathed a sigh of relief that she wasn't angry at me.
"What are their names?" I asked.
"The older is 17 and called Felix. The younger he's your age, 16, his names Kayden. Apparently they're from England," my mum clarified.
"So they'll be staying in the spare room right?" I questioned. Mum nodded. I nodded then started back to my room.
"Your room better be clean by the time they get here!" mum yelled when I was just about to step into my safe haven. Damn.
"Yeah sure thing!" I called back silently cursing. I looked at my room and sighed. This will be so much fun. I thought sarcastically.
"Well, I better get started," I sighed. I cleaned for ten minutes before I found a book that I thought I'd lost and started reading. After that cleaning as out the window. Oh well I still have three weeks.
The next day I woke up and realised the awful truth. I have to go to school. I'm a year 11 at Parakimete College. It's a small high school at the top of the South Island in New Zealand. It's a good school and the scholarships are amazing, but mornings aren't my thing. Once I'm awake and out of bed I'm fine, but the dragging my butt from the warmth and serenity of my heavenly blankets is, to put it mildly, hell. But I must. Because of the law. Agh stupid law making me get out of bed at 6:30am. So here I am ranting in the shower as I wash my beautiful long locks. Eh life is fun. After 15 more minutes of glorious shower time I got out, wrapped a towel around my luscious body, and streaked back to my room. Don't worry everything was covered.
I quickly got changed and made my way out to have breaky.
"Hey mum, what do we have to eat?" I asked when I walked out.
"Good morning Adie, well we have weatbix, cereal and toast," she said pointing in random directions to where the assortment of foods were.
"Toast it is," I announced to anyone who bothered to listen to me. In other words the air. Or my imaginary friend called Fred. Don't laugh, Fred's the best.
After eating breaky, I looked at the clock and saw that it was only ten past seven. Yay I have time to kill, which means........... WATTPAD TIME!!! Yeah my life is boring, but I love it. Simple is me. But that doesn't mean I'm a simpleton. Ahahaha words are funny. After 20 minutes of reading 'What Lies Ahead' by CyberTeeth I saw the time. I got up grabbed my bag and made my way to the door. I gave my mum a hug, my little sisters demanded one each as well, then stepped out my door. 15 minutes later I was standing at my bus stop waiting for the chariot to education. Some other students joined me and we made polite conversation about the goings on in the country. The bus finally came at exactly three minutes past eight. We all boarded and made our way to school. Once at school I went straight to see my friends Shayla and Lilly.
"Hey guys," I greeted as I walked up.
"Hey Adie," Shayla said with a smile.
"How was your weekend?" Lilly asked.
"Pretty good turns out we're hosting two exchange students from England, they're coming over in three weeks," I said in reply. The two nodded.
"Cool," Shayla said before she proceeded to tell us about all the horse riding she did with Charley over the weekend, Charley's her horse by the way. We talked till the bell rang for us to go to form class. On the way to room 3 I bumped into another one of my friends, Megan. She was laughing with her girlfriend.
"Hey Megan, hey Francesca," I said with a smile. Megan smiled back and waved before running to class so that she wouldn't be late.
The classes seemed to fly by and soon it was lunchtime. I went to buy myself something from the tuck shop before the line got too long. On the way I accidentally bumped into someone.
"I'm sorry," I called scrabbling to pick up the books that said person had dropped. I looked up and gulped there in front of me was the one and only miss Clearwater. She was the most sought after woman in the staff. But she'd never once said yes to a guy, or girl for that matter. She was beautiful. With her long red hair and piercing green eyes. Her form was toned from the hours I've heard she spends in the gym. She was the best P.E. Teacher in the school. Her lessons were gruelling. But thanks to her I'm actually sort of fit.
"Hello miss Clearwater," I said handing her the book, which happened to be The Hobbit.
"Hello Adie, are you heading for the tuck shop line, or could I borrow you for a moment?" I looked behind her and saw that the line was huge. might as well help, not like I had a choice anyway. If miss Clearwater asked you to do something, you do it.
"What do need help with?" I asked.
"Well I've got a few crates that I need some help moving, this way," she said walking down the hall. I followed her to the hall and saw the crates she meant. She walked over to one and beaconed me over. She grabbed one of the handles with both hands, so I copied and on the count of three we lifted. The crate was quite heavy. So she lead the way to the gym. This happened three times.
"Thank you for your help, I'll see you later," she said. I smiled and nodded.
"Bye miss," I called over my shoulder as I walked out of the gym.
After lunch class proceeded as usual and soon I was on my bus going back home.
At home mum was cleaning.
"Hey mum, how was your day?" I asked.
"Oh, hello, it was good went down to nana's helped her out with her new laptop," I smiled at the mental image I got from that. My nana wasn't what you would call tech savvy. So that would have been fun for mum.
"So I'm going to get changed," I said as I walked to my room. Mum waved me off. I dumped my bag on a chair changed into a black tank top and a pair of denim shorts. I checked Wattpad and lounged around for the rest of the day. At one point mum came in. The look on her face when she saw my room spoke one thousand words.
"I thought I told you to clean your room?" She asked. An angry mum was not what I wanted. I looked guiltily at the ground and she sighed.
"Come on we're having the exchange students over in less than three weeks, clean your room, or I'll take all your technology till you do," she threatened. I nodded and started cleaning. After a few minutes I sat down.
"They're not coming for three weeks I have plenty of time," I reassures myself. How wrong could I be.

Hello my lovelies. This story has just been buzzing around in my head for weeks so I'm writing it down. Hope you enjoy this and could you check out my friend CyberTeeth she has an awesome Thranduil fic and you should check it out. Bye for now.

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