Chapter 2: meetings and greetings

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Three weeks flew by faster than I could have imagined and soon I was frantically cleaning my room before we left to pick up the two boys from the airport. How did I let it get this far? Gah stupid Wattpad, stupid Facebook, stupid Tumblr, stupid procrastination.
"Adie?! Are you ready?!" Dad called. I took a look at my room. It was far from perfect, but it would do.
"Yeah, I'm coming!" I called back running out of the door with my phone and iPod in my pocket.
"Your rooms clean right?" Mum asked when she stepped into the car. I nodded from the backseat. We were leaving the kids down at nana's so that we could fit everyone in.
"Yup," I reassured. She smiled and started the car. On the way to the airport we talked about what was happening at school and how I was going to prepare for my first year of exams.
"So nothing I should know about?" Mum asked at some point.
"Not really," I replied after a moment of thought.
"How's Steven?" She questioned. I felt like tearing my hair out and I saw dad tense slightly. Steven and I went out for about a week, but I didn't feel comfortable in a relationship and dumped him. It wasn't him, I just felt being in a relationship in general. We're friends now, but mum seems to think that we're still going out.
"Mum, listen to me, I'm not going out with him anymore. We're friends and that's all," she nodded and smiled a bit and I realised that she was pulling my leg.
"Mum that was low," I stated. She burst out laughing.
"You're too easy Adie," she said through her laughs. I smiled and laughed a bit before we arrived at the airport. We got the parking ticket and walked in to wait for the two boys. 20 minutes later we headed to the arrival area and waited some more.
"Umm mother dearest? How are we going to know who they are?" I asked. Mum smiled.
"Don't worry I got sent a picture so I'll be able to point them out," I nodded at her response and waited patiently. I was kinda nervous. New people weren't really my thing. And this was two guys. Damn why did I sign us up for this?
"Look there they are," mum said pointing. When I saw where mum was pointing my jaw dropped. No way, no way, no freaking way. They look like, no way. It's not possible. They were like slightly younger versions of Fílí and Kílí, no this isn't real. It's just a coincidence, has to be. Mum dragged me over to the two and introduced herself.
"Hello I'm René Roberts, this is my husband Richard and our daughter Adie," I shook my shock off and waved.
"Hey," I said.
"Hello, my names Felix and this is my brother Kayden," damn he even sounds like Fílí.
"Good, I'm guessing you have some stuff in baggage," dad said. The boys nodded and we followed my parents to where the bags were appearing.
"Hey, I'm Kayden," said the younger Kílí. I smiled and nodded.
"Adie," I replied. Like I said, new people aren't my thing.
"So do you live close?" He asked.
"It's a 40 minute drive from here to home," I said. He nodded.
"Okay, look there's my bag," he said grabbing a blue suitcase. Felix grabbed a tan one and came over to my other side.
"So it's nice meet you," he said with a smile, lifting a hand for me to shake. I did so and noted the strong hand shake. He smiled then we started towards the car.
"Here we are," mum said when we reached it. The two packed their suitcases into the boot of the car. And hopped into the backseat.
"Adie, you should probably go in the middle. You're the smallest," mum suggested. I nodded. Felix got out and I climbed inside the car. Kayden was already clicked and waiting to go. Once I'd sat down Felix got in as well.
Soon we were on the road going home. Mum and dad asked questions and Felix answered most of them. Kayden kept asking me things and I was slowly warming up to him. He was generally likeable and extremely funny, not to mention he looked like one of my favourite characters. 40 minutes later we arrived at our house in the country.
"Nice place," Kayden commented.
"Thank you, I grew up in this house," my mum said. The two nodded and got out of the car. I followed and soon the two were getting a grand tour of our humble abode. After they'd been shown around mum asked me to show them to their room while she went to picked the kids up from nana's. I nodded and watched her leave, before turning and leading the boys to their room.
Every now and then I would look at the two and see Fílí and Kílí, it was strange.
"So here you are," I said standing at the door.
"Thanks, hey do you want to come and help us unpack?" Kayden asked. I shrugged and stepped in after the boys. While we unpacked we talked and I got to know the boys a bit better. I learned that they were practically raised by their single mother and uncle, creepily coincidental in my eyes, and that their uncle owns a big company in England called the Eagles Corp before that he was a Phys Ed teacher. I also learned that the two were exceptional pranksters, that happened when I left to go to the toilet, when I came back the two seemed to be struggling to open a bottle of water. I walked up and Kayden looked up.
"Hey Adie, can you open this for me?" He asked handing me the bottle. I didn't think anything of it and opened the bottle. What I didn't realise was the they had use a tack and put holes in the bottom of the bottle. While it was closed it was fine but as soon as I'd opened it.
"AGH! what the hell! Gah! You guys, why'd you do that?" When I'd opened the bottle the holes in the bottom took effect. The contents of the bottle spilled all over me and to make matters worse I was wearing a white top. I stared angrily at Kayden and sighed.
"Great now I'm wet," shit I should have thought about what I was saying before I said it. Kayden started to laugh his ass off, while Felix, who was standing to the side, had gone bright red. Probably due to the fact that my blue and white polkadot bra was showing. My face heated up so that I looked like a tomato. I groaned once more and stormed out of the room. Stupid boys. There's no way I'm going to be able to live with them if they're like this all the time. I stormed into my room and pulled my top of and grabbed a red t-shirt. The flopped onto my bed and as soon as I did guess what happened, someone knocked on the door.
"Come in," I called. The door opened to reveal Kayden. I growled and narrowed my eyes at him.
"Hey, umm well I just wanted to say that I'm sorry," he said looking sheepishly at the floor. I sighed.
"Just please keep the pranks to a minimum," I said after a long pause. He seemed to brighten up instantly.
"Yeah sure, can do, so when do we start school?" He asked.
"Not tomorrow, but the day after," I clarified. He nodded and sat down on my bed. We chatted till dinner time, for which we had sausages, salad and some potatoes. Once finished we all mooched around till it was bed time.
As I was lying in bed I stared blankly at my wall and thought about the events of the day and I also thought about how the hell I would survive the onslaught of questions that I would get when my friends saw them. Oh joy, I can't wait.

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