Chapter 7: Homework

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(Kaito's POV)

We both rushed up the stairs laughing, I was pretty much chasing after Shuichi. We were running towards the top of the stairs. Shuichi kept giggling mischievously, which also kept up with my laughter. How long are these stairs?! His staircase looked real fancy, which was probably the reason why it was so long. This could be really dangerous, y'know?!  When we reached the top, Shuichi burst into another sprint in the direction of his room.

"Oh, now you've done it!" I said. I rushed inside his room and gave him a gentle tackle.

"I gotcha!" I lifted Shuichi with my arms, then twirled him around, careful not to drop him. He was laughing, which made me even more content.

"Kaito!" Shuichi called. After one last spin, I put him down. I got a small glimpse of his room while I was teasing him. His room looks very comfortable. He had a desk next to his window, and a bookshelf filled with novels. His desk was scattered with unknown papers, and he had a small lamp on top of it. It seemed that he had a bunch of small plants across his room as well! As the light shined through the windowpane, Shuichi's smile gave me more happiness.

(Shuichi's POV)

We started to do our homework after we finished fooling around. Kaito looked around my room for a while, and we talked about plenty of things. The sunlight that glistened through my window was our only source of light for some time. When it got darker, Kaito turned on my lamp. My room had a lot of things that seemed to interest him, specifically my plants. When Kaito was looking around my desk, he saw my small succulent plant. He asked me if I had given it a name yet. He looked genuinely surprised when I told him no. He wrote on a post-it note and named the plant Atlas.

We worked on our slides for the remaining time. My aunt made us some snacks and brought them upstairs while we were doing so. They were strawberry mochis and some fruits, Kaito ate most of them. He said that his grandmother was a fan of mochis, so he was glad that I liked them too.


"Hey Shuichi, can you play some of the songs you like?" Kaito asked. I looked up to him and nodded. Ah, what if he doesn't like them? I was getting nervous while opening up one of my playlists. It was mostly relaxing songs to go with our study, so I figured it was the best fit for the mood. Kaito was watching me intently while I was doing so.

"Alright! Here it is." I pressed play and gave Kaito a timid smile. Let's see if he likes it. I almost reflexively bend over my head, waiting for him to say something.

He stayed quiet for the first seconds of the song, so I was becoming uneasy. Ah, stupid me. I should've known he wouldn't like it. My cheeks started to flush out of embarrassment. I should've just stayed silent-

Suddenly, Kaito reached for my hand and rose me up. He gently grabbed the side of my waist and started to dance. I stumbled over a few times, but I soon got the hang of it. Kaito was smiling and laughing the whole time. It made my heart skip a beat each step we took. I was flushed for an entirely different reason now.

"Woah there Shuichi! I didn't know you were such a dancer!" Kaito jokingly said. I chuckled.

"I was only put in this situation because of you! You dork!" He then laughed with me. We kept dancing till the end of the song. It was my first time dancing with another person. I didn't even know having so much fun like this was even possible. I never knew that having someone like Kaito would make me feel so happy. Being able to share a moment like this with someone was one of the things I couldn't even imagine myself doing. All the times that I've felt so unimportant, so distant, it all went away with just his smile. This feeling I was getting was something I've never gotten before, and I never want it to stop.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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