Chapter 4

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Hours later and Jimin was finally able to leave for the day! He ran out of the college doors and quickly ran to his car, dodging other cars in the parking lot. He got inside and started his car, buckling his seatbelt and driving off. He plugged his phone into his car and started to play his music on bluetooth.
      The bunny hybrid jammed to his music, screaming out the lyrics to the songs. He finally made it to their apartment and he got out of his car, running into the apartment buildings. It was slightly chilly and windy, which didn't go well with Jimin's sensitive bunny ears.
     He hated it whenever wind would blow in his ears, making them ache. So he quickly ran inside and ran up the stairs to the second floor, running to his apartment and unlocking it. Once he was inside, he sighed in relief. The omega shook his head and smiled, grabbing his phone to call Chuu.
"Hello?" she answered. "Jiminie?"
"Hey! Are you almost home?" he asked, adjusting his phone on his shoulder so he could take off his backpack.
"Yea! You ready to go to the café with me?"
"Hell yea! I been ready since I left school! I've just been waiting for you to come back to the apartment."
"Sorry. I'm on my way now so don't worry!"
"Call me when you get here so you don't have to get out of your car. It's really windy right now."
"Shit I hate the wind.  Yea ok thanks for telling me. Bye Jiminie!" and the two hung up.

Taehyung sighed in relief once he was out of college and off of campus. He walked to his and Namjoon's car and unlocked it, getting inside of the driver's seat since Namjoon didn't know how to drive. He got on his phone and distracted himself by playing a game on his phone, absentmindedly biting his lip ring.  After a while, he heard the passenger side door open and he turned, seeing his mate tumble inside with a goofy smile on his handsome face.
"Hey Joonie." Taehyung smiled and the two kissed.
"Hey.  We are both finally off.  Wanna go somewhere for lunch?" the older asked, quickly putting on his seatbelt. The younger alpha nodded and did the same, starting the car and driving off.

After about thirty minutes, Jimin finally got the call and walked out. The omega locked the door and instead of going to the staircase, he went to the elevator. He got inside and pressed the ground button. Once he was down, he ran out of the building lobby and suddenly he jumped up when he heard a horn beep in front of him. Jimin saw Chuu happily waving out of her car and he pouted, walking towards the white vehicle.
"You scared me." he said when he got inside, buckling his seat belt.
"Sorry Jiminie~" the girl chuckled and started her car, driving off. The two bunnies turned on some music and jammed the whole way. Jimin was pretty goofy himself, but when Chuu was around, he would get even crazier. They feed off of each other's energy.
     So about fifteen minutes later, and the two hybrids arrived at the café, where they get their daily dose of coffee and treats. It was their favorite place. Plus, there were no other places close to their apartment complex. So the omega and beta got out of the car and walked towards the doors, giggling to themselves. When they walked inside, they were greeted by a familiar voice.
     "Hi you two! Haven't seen you since yesterday!" Yves, Chuu's alpha girlfriend smiled.

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     Yves, or Ha Sooyoung, was an alpha black fox hybrid and she was Chuu's girlfriend

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     Yves, or Ha Sooyoung, was an alpha black fox hybrid and she was Chuu's girlfriend. Sometimes, prey and predators dated each other, which some found taboo and disgusting. But a lot of people didn't care, as well as Jimin. He had dated a couple of predators in his lifespan, and he wouldn't hate dating another. He just wanted someone to cuddle him and love him, as anyone does.
     "Yves!" Chuu squeaked and ran over to the counter, where she smiled at her girlfriend. "I missed you baby!" Yves is one of the main reasons that Chuu, Jimin, and sometimes Wonho, go to the café.
     "Babe you're distracting me..." Yves blushed, her bushy black tail wagging behind her. "Is it just you and Jimin today? No Wonho?"
     "Yea." the younger bunny replied, and the alpha girl showed them to their table, which was by a window. She gave them each a menu and she brought out her notepad. "He's at work right now so he couldn't come."
     "What do you beautiful bunnies wish to drink?"
     "What do you want to drink Jimin?" Chuu asked the elder, who hummed.
     "You know my usual.  A caramel macchiato."
     "Same thing every time...I want a latte baby~"  Chuu smiled to her girlfriend, who smiled back and swiftly wrote their orders down.
     "Ok~and what do you two want to eat?" the younger alpha girl looked at the two friends, who shrugged.
     "I want a cake! Specifically, a chocolate cake!" Jimin gasped at Yves, who wrote it down with a nod. "What about you Chuu?"
     "A strawberry cake." and Yves took the menus from the girls.
     "Ok! I will be right back." the black haired girl smiled and winked at the beta bunny, who blushed.
"Ok! Let's start on our convo from last time! You need a boyfriend or two! Get freaky!" Jimin blushed and pushed Chuu's shoulders when she said that.
"Chuu! Ew!"
"Sorry not sorry~but really, I'm tired of seeing you in pain for your heats Minie. I know it's just a part of being an omega, which I will never get, but you need someone to help you and love you Jiminie. I just worry a lot about you..."
"I know's kinda funny how I'm older yet you always worry about me."
"Oh hush you. But yea, I should blind date you."
"Hell no! I would hate that Chuu. I need to meet someone and feel something between us..."
"You see such a hopeless romantic..." Chuu giggled, not noticing Jimin whipping his head to the café doors, seeing two familiar silhouettes walk inside.

Taehyung parked into the parking lot of the café and stopped the car, turning towards Namjoon.
"You ready?" he asked and Namjoon nodded with a smile. The two got out and walked hand and hand into the café, not noticing the eyes on them until they smell a familiar scent.
      They turned their heads towards the buttery caramel smell and made eye contact with Jimin. He squeaked and blushed, looking down at his chubby hands. Taehyung and Namjoon glanced at each other, slightly smirking. They walked to the counter, where a girl with short dark brown hair stood.
"Hello! Welcome to Euphoria! Only two?" she asked with a smile. She was a black fox hybrid; a predator like them.
"Yes it is just us." Namjoon said, glancing at her name tag.  Yves; it said. Interesting..
"Ok follow me please!" she said and motioned for them to follow her. "My name is Yves and I'll be your server for today!" she says then down in a booth on the wall, slightly away from and his friend. She gave them their menus and brought out her notepad. "What would you two like to order?"
"I would like a cappuccino while he would like a hot chocolate please." Namjoon said with a smile. Yves nodded and took their menus.
"Anything else for you?" she asked.
"No thank you." Taehyung said with a small smile. She nodded and walked away, leaving the two men by themselves.

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