Chapter 21

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     Jimin avoided the two alphas for two weeks, staying in his room and doing his school work inside of his dorm all while not talking to anyone else. Wonho and Chuu worried about him, but the omega barely spoke a word to his friends as he caved himself in his room, fearful of Namjoon and Taehyung's reactions to him. Eventually, they tried to call Namjoon and Taehyung, but Yoongi had answered the dorm phone and told the two bunnies that Namjoon and Taehyung were gone on a sudden vacation, and they won't be back for a while.
     So the time was never right for the three to talk. Soon, a month had passed and Jimin barely spoke to anyone, his omega now took over his body and all of his decisions. The grey haired omega was a husk of his former self and only survived on food, only getting out of his room to eat and use the bathroom. Whenever they would see their friend, Wonho and Chuu tried to talk to Jimin. But he wouldn't answer their conversations and would just quietly eat, quickly leaving the dining room stools and would go back in his room without a word. Moping heavily every time he would breath or think about the two alphas he fell so deeply for.
      All he could think about was how he fucked up his chances with Taehyung and Namjoon by basically assaulting them while they were finally away from the omega. And Jimin knew he may have been over exaggerating a bit, letting his omega control everything about him, but Jimin continued to let his omega run his thoughts, too scared that if he'll see Taehyung and Namjoon, they'll brutally reject him and he'll never talk to them again. His whole body was on auto pilot for the entirety of the month while the two alphas were gone, no matter how much Chuu or Wonho tried to talk to him. But soon enough, he would have to face the alphas sooner or later....

       Namjoon got out of the car, stretching his arms above his head with a satisfied grunt. He and Taehyung were finally back from visiting the younger alpha's family down in Daegu, and they would have been home sooner than later but Namjoon's rut suddenly hit and they had to quickly get into a heat and rut facility, and they spent a week there. After a couple of weeks, they were finally back at Seoul National University, but they were slightly sad.
Jimin hadn't texted them, or even called them since they left for Daegu. They hadn't even heard from the bunny hybrid since they left him at their cabin. The two alphas knew that the omega was ok and out of his heat, but they couldn't help but to worry that they did something wrong for Jimin to be ignoring them like that. While they were gone, Namjoon and Taehyung decided that they were going to confess to Jimin as soon as they got back from Daegu. But the grey haired omega never even contacted them that he was ok. They had to hear about him from Jungkook and Chuu.
But every time, they would say that they hadn't heard from Jimin either and he wasn't calling them as well. Jimin was avoiding everyone, and no one knew why. So they decided that they would go to Wonho and Chuu's dorm with Jimin and try to talk to grey haired omega there. But they were in for the surprise of their life when they got to Jimin's dorm and Chuu answered the door with wide eyes, her eyes red.
"Hey you too..." she rasped, looking around behind them. "I thought you guys were still in Daegu with family???"
"We came back today." Namjoon raised an eyebrow, trying to look behind the beta bunny hybrid. "Is Jimin in there with you by any chance...?"
"Um......yes and no."
"What do you mean by that Chuu?"
"What I mean is that Jimin is here but he.....isn't in a sort. His omega is in control and he isn't letting anyone near Jimin, no matter how hard we've been trying. Not even us; and we've known him for years. So I don't know what to do....he's been like this since you guys left to go on your vacation. Didn't think you both would be back so soon, but maybe your presences here will make him go back to normal."
"We had something come up." Taehyung growled a bit, his scent spiking up in irritation. "Is he in there or not Chuu? Stop being dense."
"Yea just-just come in." Chuu grunted out, opening the door wider for the two to slither inside. "He's been agitated too. His omega that is. He's been basically hopping off the walls waiting for something, and he's been throwing stuff. Good luck with him. I'm going to Yves house; text or call if you need me and tell me if he will be back to normal." the small bunny hybrid grabbed her purse and phone and booked it out of the dorm, leaving Namjoon and Taehyung with Jimin.

Taehyung and Namjoon slowly walked over to Jimin's room, inhaling the deep peach scent wafting from the hallway. As they got closer, the smell intensified in sharpness, and they heard something crash against a wall. Namjoon cursed and Taehyung quickly booked it to Jimin's door, opening the door.
There he was; the omega was pacing against his dirty room, his hands curling against something while he muttered to himself. His hands seemed to be bloody as well as he growled lowly to himself, his ears taut against his head. Taehyung took one step towards the bunny, and Jimin's head snapped to him with a gasp, his eyes huge and black.
"That's his omega Taehyung; that's not Jimin..." Namjoon spoke lowly, slowly creeping towards his boyfriend. "You have to be careful with him...."
"Hi omega..." Taehyung gulped, slowly getting down onto his knees, and Jimin stepped back a bit. "It's ok omega don't worry. It's just me ok? Alpha won't hurt you..." Jimin's omega whipped his head towards Namjoon, who got on his knees as well. "Come to alpha, omega." Jimin whimpered, taking a step forward, but he hesitated a bit and glanced at Namjoon, who nodded with his dimples popping out.
      The omega quickly ran over to Namjoon, barreling into the alpha's arms, sobbing hysterically while he wrapped his arms about Namjoon's waist.
"It's ok Jimin...." Namjoon murmured, his pine scent bathing over the small omega. "Let it all out baby..." The brunet alpha looked to the younger, who smiled tiredly. Jimin sobbed into the alpha's arms until he promptly passed out, his breathing getting even. "Let's take you a bath omega." the two alphas got up, walking out of Jimin's room to get to his bathroom, where Taehyung silently undressed the smaller while Namjoon ran the hot water. Jimin stayed unconscious as the alphas took care of him, washing his hair and bathing his body.
Once they were done, Namjoon and Taehyung dried Jimin off and took him back to his room, where Taehyung grabbed clothes from the omega bunny hybrid's dressed, while Namjoon slipped underwear onto Jimin's lower half. This dressed him in Taehyung's large black shirt and Jimin's cotton shorts.
"Let him sleep in the living room while I clean this place." Namjoon told Taehyung, who nodded mutely and took Jimin out of the dirty room. Once the two were out of the room,
Namjoon sighed tiredly and cracked his knuckles, looking around with wide eyes.
Jimin did a number on this place....let's clean this up before Jimin wakes back up...
Meanwhile, Taehyung laid Jimin on the cough, humming under his breath while he went to Jimin's hall closet, grabbing a blanket to cover up the bunny hybrid. But once he went back to the living room, Jimin was up and slowly rubbing his eyes.

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