Chapter 31

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         Jimin sighed, kicking his feet in the air, pouting heavily. He hadn't heard from Namjoon and Taehyung in a couple of days, and when he would hear from them, they would give him some shitty excuse and basically avoid him like he had some sort of disease. But Jimin let it go; he knew they were doing something for him. So he would give them their space for now, and find out what exactly they're planning for him. But...maybe the surprise they're planning isn't even for him. It wasn't like they were dating or anything.
        But........the omega did want to date the two wolf hybrids, he was just too scared to confess first. But he knew how he felt about them. So their days went on like that, waiting for the other to confess but being disappointed when nothing would come from either side. Finally, after about two weeks of hearing Jimin, Taehyung, and Namjoon complain about their love lives, their friends finally had enough. So they formulated up a plan to get the three to confess.
       "Jimin wouldn't go for it." Jungkook said, his eyebrows furrowed. Yoongi, Jin, Jungkook, and Hoseok were all together currently discussing what to do about their very oblivious friends. "He's too shy and he's worried that he'll still ruin their relationship even though they've talked about that it would either have to be Taehyung-hyung or Namjoon hyung."
       "The one person out of the three of them that would definitely confess first is Taehyung." Yoongi hummed, drinking their coffee with a flick of their tail. "So let's let Taehyung in on the plan, and he can just do it himself and we don't have to worry about their 'situation-ship' any longer."
       "Taking the lazy way out I see." Hoseok scoffed lightheartedly, smacking Yoongi on their shoulder. "Typical of you Yoongi." and all the panther hybrid did was smile cheekily.
       "They should've figured out their shit weeks ago." Jin sighed, crossing his arms. "Frankly, I'm getting tired of their constant pining. So here's what we'll do......."

"I'll see you tomorrow Mr. Lee!" Jimin waved to his teacher on his way out of his third period class. The bunny hybrid was really tired, but he had to endure to get through today. He's been a little sad for these past couple of days; his friends are barely talking to him, and Taehyung and Namjoon are still avoiding him.
But not where they'll see him and run the other way; more like whenever he wants to hang out with the two wolf hybrids, they always seem busy with other things or say they have work to do. And when he would go try and hang out with Hoseok and the others, they told him that they were busy as well. Why were all of his loved ones avoiding him? Did he do something wrong to offend them or something?
But the omega shook his head out of his thoughts; he needed to be ready for his next class. But suddenly, two arms grabbed his own and quickly dragged him away. Jimin could do nothing but allow the two mysterious figures to drag him away from school, and into a familiar car.
"Jungkookie, Hobi hyung." Jimin started, getting comfortable in the back seats and glaring at the two. The wolf hybrid and the squirrel hybrid both turned around and smiled at him, but faltered a bit once they glanced at Jimin's off put expression. "Can one of you please explain to me why you basically kidnapped me from our school?? I had an important test to do today and you two basically ruined that."
"Well that doesn't matter today my dear Jimin hyung!" Jungkook grinned nervously, and gulped once Jimin crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "You'll know in due time. But for now, we need to dress you up!"
"Well if you won't tell me what's going on then I should get back to school. Maybe I'll hopefully make it to the test on time." Jimin sighed, but froze once the door didn't open. "Guys, let me out."
"Jimin you'll find out everything soon." Hoseok smiled encouragingly, "But we are kind of on a timeline here, so we really need to get you to Yoongi."
"What do you mean Yoongi-" but the smaller's questions went unanswered as Hosook started the car and drove off, and the bunny just accepted his fate.
Why are they doing all of this.......?

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