Chapter 10

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Jimin quickly stood up and hugged the wolf hybrid tightly, who was furiously wagging his tail behind him.
"Oh! Taehyung, Namjoon hyung! This is my childhood friend Jungkook! Jungkookie, this is Taehyung and Namjoon!"

       "Oh! Taehyung, Namjoon hyung! This is my childhood friend Jungkook! Jungkookie, this is Taehyung and Namjoon!"

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       "It's really nice to meet you two!" Jungkook quickly bowed to the two alpha wolves, who were staring at him with wide eyes

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"It's really nice to meet you two!" Jungkook quickly bowed to the two alpha wolves, who were staring at him with wide eyes. "You two are alphas! I-I'm a beta!" Taehyung subtly sniffed the air; the kid smelled of rain and trees, a fresh scent. A beta.
"Nice to meet you too kid." Namjoon smiled politely, "So you two are friends?"
"Yep! Our parents were worried about us at first, with him being a beta wolf and me being an omega bunny in our childhood, but we made it work with each other! But then I moved to Seoul to go to college and I haven't seen him in five years! Jungkookie you're so big!"
"Not that much hyung...." the blond smiled sheepishly, his cheeks pink with embarrassment. "You're still short though hyungie~"
"Oh shut up you brat!" Jimin giggled and hugged the older again. "I missed you..."
"We should catch up! I'll be going to school with you!" Jungkook grinned, and Jimin gasped. Taehyung and Namjoon watched the two interact, a bad sort of feelings swirling inside of them.
"How about you catch up now." Taehyung muttered, crossing his arms.
"Yea we should head out and go back to class anyways so you two should talk for a little bit." Namjoon bowed to the two as he and his boyfriend stood up. "Jimin do you need a ride back or anything before we go?"
"I can give him a ride back!" Jungkook beamed, and Jimin looked the younger with wide eyes.
"Is that ok with you guys? I know I came here to eat with you guys and everything..."
"It's fine Jimin. We'll take our food to go and leave." Namjoon pursed his lips a bit, but kept his fake smile professional. The omega pouted sadly but nodded, but Jungkook openly stared at the two older wolves in what seemed to be in complete awe. But Taehyung glared back, which made Jungkook blush and quickly look away. Soon, Heejin came back with their food and Namjoon and Taehyung asked for a to-go plate, and they packed their food and left.
They could've stayed....

Taehyung and Namjoon both made it to their car, where Taehyung got into the driver's seat and quickly took off.
"Well that was....interesting..." Namjoon tried to make conversation with the younger, but the young alpha scoffed. " can be jealous of them."
"Who says I'm jealous..." Taehyung grumbled, stopping at a red light. "I'm doing peachy."
"Tae, Jimin is our friend! Nothing more. So we can't get jealous and huffy over someone like that, we don't even know about Jimin's personal life."
"...I know hyung...but it's hard! My alpha feels a connection with him and he's really irritated right now!"
"I know Tae, I am too. But it's a little too early to decide what this connection means! Alright? We just need to cool down. Jimin is our friend before anything alright? Don't be rash."
"Sorry Joon hyung..."
"It's quite alright. Let's just head back to campus and finish this food."

Jimin and Jungkook sat down at Jimin, Taehyung, and Namjoon's old table.
"So how have you been Jungkookie?" Jimin asked excitedly, and Jungkook grinned.
"I've been doing fine! I'm into Photography, Dance, and Art!" the younger gushed, and the omega gasped.
"That's a lot of classes Kook!"
"I know, but I have time for them. But enough about me, what about you?? How did you meet Taehyung and Namjoon?"
"We met a couple of days ago actually! We've just started to hang out and stuff. They took me here for the first time today, and I was really excited for my Strawberry Salad!"
"Their salads are the best here! Say Jimin you know if Namjoon and Taehyung have a pack or anything?"
"Huh? Pack? I don't know...why?" and Jungkookie blushed.
"I kinda want to get to know them too..since they're friends with you too hyung.."
"Well to be honest I don't know much about them.." Jimin giggled. "But I can ask for you!"
"No don't do that!"
"That's embarrassing..."
"Aw Jungkookie you're so cute!" Jimin squeezed and pinched the younger's cheeks, making the beta grimace. "You have a car Kookie?"
       "Yep. My dad bought me one a year ago! It's really nice. You want me to bring you back?"
       "If you don't mind. I have some classes to take care of." and Jungkook nodded. "And plus, you can meet my roommates!"


      Soon, Jungkook and Jimin made it back to Jimin's dorm, where the two friends got out of the car and walked towards the stairs outside. They climbed it until they got to the bunny hybrid's floor, walking towards the omega's room. Jimin took his key and unlocked his door, seeing Chuu sitting on the couch. The beta bunny looked up in surprise, and smiled once she saw Jimin.
       "Jiminie!" she squealed and stood up to hug the older, but faltered once she saw Jungkookie behind her friend. "Jimin you have a new wolfie friend I see~"
       "Chuu this is Jungkook, my best friend from childhood! Jungkookie, this is one of my roommates Chuu."
        "It's nice to meet you." Jungkook bowed and grinned at Chuu, who flushed pink.
      "You sure you aren't half bunny?" she joked, and Jungkook blushed. "You have such a bunny smile!"
       "He sure does~" Jimin giggled, and Jungkook pouted. "Anyways, where's Wonho?"
       "Ugh that bitch. He's somewhere I don't know. I haven't seen nor talked to him since this morning."
       "I wanted to introduce Kook to him."
     "Well since he's not here, Jungkook, do you like games?" Chuu asked, and Jungkook beamed.
      "Of course I do! I like Overwatch and others!" the wolf hybird gushed.
      "Do you wanna play Mario Cart with me and Jiminie?"
     "Yea sure! But I'm pretty sure Jimin hyung sucks at Mario Cart~" and Jimin gasped in indignation.
     "Hey! I'm good at Mario Cart!" Jimin crossed his arms and glared at the beta wolf, who winked at him. "I'll beat your ass you little brat-" but Jimin was interrupted by the door opening, and Wonho froze in the doorway. "Shit-hey Wonho hyung! You're back!"
     ".....Yea. I'm back." the alpha bunny didn't even look at Jimin, he was too busy staring at a wide-eyed Jungkook. "Gonna introduce me to your friend?"
       "Yea this is Jungkook. Kook, this is Wonho. He's my other roommate." Jimin explained with a gulp, praying that Wonho wouldn't cause a scene. They all tensed up as Wonho made his way over to Jungkook, but he surprised them all by holding out his hand.
       "It's nice to meet you Jungkook." Wonho grinned, which made Jimin and Chuu sigh in relief. "Your muscles might beat mine to be honest!"
       "No way!" Jungkook gasped. "You're way bigger than me! How??"
      "I work out a lot and take a lot of protein! Jiminie works out with me a lot sometimes too! I heard you guys are about to play Mario Cart? Chuu?" the beta bunny flinched, but apprehensively looked at her friend. "You can call Yves over and we can make a day out of it? And maybe skip those last classes for today?"
       "....Yea." Chuu smiled brightly, and Jimin sighed in relief. "I would like that Wonho."
       "That's good. Because you all know I'm the true master of Mario Cart~"
      "No way!" Chuu gasped. Those two started arguing, and Jimin stared at them with a teary smile.
     They're talking again....

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