End The Cycle of Hate

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As Grian got ahold of his surroundings, he saw the chains on his wrists and started fidgeting with them.

"Grian, what are you doing?" Scar asked, standing up.

"Dislocating my thumb so I can get my wrists free." Grian said immediately, "I have an advanced healing factor, so I can heal immediately when I'm free."

"Uh.. You have a collar on, dude."

"Once I have my wrists free, I'll rip it off my neck. I'll be fine. I'll get us all out of here."


He didn't answer them, he just continued with what he was doing and dislocated his right thumb and slipped his hands out of the chains.

"Scar, C'mere." Grian said standing up and snapping his thumb back in place, "Help me get this collar off."

"Isn't it attached to your nerves?"

"Nope, not this one, just help me rip it off."

Scar moved behind Grian and grabbed the back of the collar while Grian grabbed the front of it.

"On three, one, two, three-" Grian and Scar both pulled at the same time, the collar snapping in half and Grian flinging against the wall to his back, "Ow."

Grian moved to his knees and shook his head, "Ow, okay."

His healing factor healed whatever wounds he had and he stood. He sighed as he started looking around, then saw a vent.

"HA! Stupid Watchers." He mocked, climbing up to the vent, "Okay, so... Screws.."

He once more used his powers to manipulate each screw out of the sockets they were in. 

"Guys, I'm gonna crawl through this vent to the other side and unlock the cage." Grian explained, "Then I'll get us to the portal room and get everyone home. Quick and easy."

"Whenever someone says that, something goes wrong." Ren said, "Grian, are you sure?"

"Well, we do have a little rat in the group." He chuckled, "That'll be me while I get through the vent. We have about five minutes before Watchers realize that I have taken off the restraints."

"Quick movements, Grian. Let's go home."

Grian nodded and quickly made his way through the vent. As he appeared on the other side, he jumped down and turned human again and went to the lock.

"Shit." He mumbled, "I don't have time for this..."

"Grian, what's wrong?" Ren asked in a panic.

"It's a virtual padlock code, I need to hack through it." He tried looking to see if there was any trace of Watcher residue on the pad. He groaned when he didn't see anything and slammed his elbow into the keypad and took a look at the inside wiring.

Come on, Grian. Think. This is new technology, your friends are counting on you. Think.

He saw a wire attached to the barrier and started fiddling with the wire. Three seconds later the barrier was released and Grian looked to the group.

"Let's move."

"Who says you're allowed to demand us around?" Sam groaned, "What makes you so special?"

"Remind me Sam, who has the magic powers? Who knows this realm? WHO IS AWARE THAT EVERYONE'S LIVES ARE IN DANGER?"

Sam jumped back slightly.

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