Chapter 27

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I woke up quite earlier than usual today and looked over to find a sleeping Harry. Not really wanting to face him this early in the morning, I grabbed some new clothes I found in bag that hadn't been in there before. I then quietly slipped out of the room and into the hallway to change in the bathroom before proceeding downstairs and into the kitchen. Grabbing a bagel, I spread cream cheese on it as I walked out into the living room to watch some TV before the boys came down. It was the only peace and quiet I got.

~There have not been any traces of Madeline Scott recently in the United States or Europe. Police officers are starting to lose hope of recovering her because of the lack of clues of the whereabouts of the London Lowriders. The last piece of evidence authorities have of them is from over 3 days ago and there haven't been any since. "We miss you Madeline. Come home."~

As the video of my parents showed up I almost started balling until I heard footsteps behind me. I looked over my shoulder to find Liam.

"Oh! Liam could you please unlock the door?! I need to take her out." I said as I pointed to my puppy and back towards the door which had over half a dozen locks on it that I knew I wouldn't be able to dismantle myself. Liam nodded his head as he walked over and undid them.

"Can I trust you by yourself?" He said obviously not wanting to go out in the cold with just his shorts and a t shirt on. I nodded my head as he opened the door for me. "Knock when you're ready to come back in."

"Ok." I said as I carried her out towards the woods as the snow crunched beneath my boots. I put her down right on the edge and she went in a bit farther before doing her business and running back out. Seeing that I should let her run off some energy, I went and sat on the bench on the porch. As I was sitting there watching her run through the snow, the thoughts of my family came back to me and I finally cracked. I had tears silently streaming down my face as I buried my head in my fluffy scarf. Thoughts of why I hadn't tried to escape recently came to mind, but when I remembered the teaching device, and the fact that I would get frostbite out here if I stayed out for more than 10 minutes, all of my plans faded. A couple minutes later I heard the door unlock and someone come out, so I removed my hand from my matching mittens and wiped my tears away.

"Beautiful out here ain't it?" The voice said as I looked up and saw Harry. I slowly nodded my head as another tear dribbled down my face. Harry gave me a questioning look as he sat down beside me almost as if he cared as to why I was crying.

"I miss my family." I murmured as I looked towards the mountains and replaced my hand into my glove. I then looked down to find my husky trying to climb into my lap. I half-heartedly smiled down at her as I picked her up and placed her on my lap as she licked my cheeks getting rid of the tears.

"Have you decided on a name?"

"I was thinking I'd name her Dawn." I said as I looked down at her and her ears perked up.

"Why Dawn?" Harry asked genuinely intrigued.

"Well.....Aurora Borealis is another name for the northern lights and Dawn is another name for Aurora. So I thought it was suitable considering the fact you can see the northern lights up here every night." I said as I looked up to find Harry with a surprised look on his face.

"I think bandit would've been better." He said as Dawn growled at him making me smile.

"Yeah we don't like that name do we Dawn?" I asked as she barked towards him making him scowl.

"It took me three fucking hours to adopt you from that cranky old lady and now you growl at me? Not cool." He said making me smile at imagining him trying to persuade the old lady to let him take her.

"I-um well I should get Dawn inside so I can feed her." I said as I looked down at the rambunctious little puppy at my feet. Harry nodded his head as he walked towards the door and undid the series of locks. Dawn ran in immediately at his feet but before I could follow he grabbed ahold of my shoulder and looked me straight in the eyes.

"I know you miss your family and I'm sorry...but for the time being just think of us as your family." He said as he dropped his hand from my shoulder and held our wrists up beside each other.

"Is it true I'm the first female to ever get this tattoo?" I said as I looked down at it.

"Uh yeah..." He trailed off and took his hand back.


"Different story for a different time. Now c'mon get in before you freeze and this door locks again." He said as he slightly nudged me in and closed the door behind us.

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