Chapter 10

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I was awoken to a hand shaking me, snapping me out of my daze. I looked up to see I was curled up in a little ball in the middle of the car, and it was still pitch black outside. I had tried focusing on the inside of the car for so long to drown out everything that had gone on, that I didn't even notice the car had stopped.

"C'mon. Get out." Harry said calmly as he helped me out of the car as the others were grabbing the bags. There was a bit of a breeze and it was quite cool. He then led me up a driveway towards a very large house making my eyes widen in astonishment.

"Where are we?" I asked as the large gates opened obviously expecting us.

"Doncaster." Was his response not giving me any more of an explanation. I nodded my head as we approached the front door and Harry knocked loudly. A couple swipes of chains and undoing of locks on the inside were heard before the door swung open revealing a boy with bright blue eyes and tousled brown hair standing before us with a very big grin.

"Ah Harry! How ya doin mate?!" He said as he opened the door wider and let us in.

"Fine Louis." Harry groaned a bit obviously not as cheery as this new boy.

"Oh and who's this pretty lass?" Louis said as he looked towards me with a questioning look.

"Our hostage. Now I expect you to treat her like one, which the other guys haven't been doing a very good job of lately." Harry said as he looked back and glared at the others before turning back to Louis with a hard glare.

"Well hostage, nice to meet you. Liam, Zayn, Niall." He said as he nodded towards the others and shut the door. The boys walked into the kitchen with me following slightly behind, not knowing where I should go or what I should do. "So what brings you guys so early? I thought you weren't coming for a couple more days?" Louis asked as he backed up against the counter.

"Police found out our location sooner than we thought." Liam explained as he crossed his arms and dropped his bag.

"So I'm assuming we should start our planning now?" Louis asked with eyebrows raised as the others nodded their heads in unison. "You're probably tired. I'll show you your room." Louis said as he walked towards the stairs and motioned for me to follow him.

"This is one of the guest rooms. There's clothes in the closet for you." Louis said as he opened the door and showed me where the closet was.

"Should I be worried about whose clothes I'm exactly putting on?" I asked thinking over all the possibilities of whose they could be.

"Nah love they're brand new. Harry requested them yesterday actually. Guess they're for you aren't they? Have a nice night, hostage." He said as he winked. I was startled by the new information of Harry actually attempting to do something nice for me, that I didn't realize he didn't know my name yet.

"My name's Maddie." I called as he turned around and I gave him a small smile. He returned it and then retreated back down the stairs leaving me puzzled as to why Harry would've thought to get me clothes and not just continue to have me living in the same outfit. For a bunch of criminals, they treated me nicer than expected. And as long I wasn't being starved or beaten, I wasn't going to complain. I knew I was going to be able to leave sooner or later, and if I had to wait in order for that moment to come, I would. Maybe gain their trust and then try to escape...

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