Chapter 19

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"So did you guys know Madeline has a list?" Harry smirked as I came out of the bedroom looking like a total mess. Looks like old happy-go-lucky Harry is back. I glared at him through my already squinted eyes and took a spot at the table in the small kitchen.

"What kind of list?" Liam asked coming out of his bedroom with a plate of food.

"She has a list of who her favorite and her least favorite one of us is."

"I'm almost positive I'm on top." Louis said making me snort. He looked towards me and raised his eyebrows. "Oh so someone else is above me? That's hard to believe." He said as I laughed.

"Well tell us then. What's the order?" Zayn asked from the couch.

"That's my secret to keep and yours not to know." I said as I grabbed a piece of toast from Niall's plate and ran back to the bedroom before I was bombarded with more questions.

"Madeline. We're going shopping. Now. Hurry up." Harry said through the closed door making me wonder why he would go out in a public place now that they were just broadcasted on the news here. I opened the door and looked out to find all the boys with long jackets on covering their tattoos; along with dark sunglasses and different types of hats. We then proceeded out of the hotel room and downtown.

"What exactly are we going shopping for?" I asked Niall while furrowing my eyebrows as we walked the streets of Oslo.

"Dresses. And I s'pose tuxes." He said while shoving his hands in his pockets.

"For what occasion?!" I asked as my eyes opened wide and Harry turned around in front of me with a glare saying 'Be quiet.' Cranky Harry was back.

"You see love we've decided to have you and Harry elope and get married now instead of later." Louis said while elbowing my shoulder making me pretend to gag.

"Shut the hell up." Harry said without even turning around as he went into the nearest dress shop. I followed him in quickly and looked around. My eyes went wide at the vast number of dresses hanging from each shelf.

"Alright I got an idea." Zayn said as he called the boys in for a huddle. "We're all going to pick a dress for Maddie and whichever one she chooses to buy gets to move up a spot on her list. Fair deal?" He asked as the rest of the boys nodded and went off to find a dress.

"Go get a dressing room Mads. We'll meet you there!" Niall said as he ran towards a random wall. I walked over towards the dressing room and stepped into one and before I knew it dresses were being chucked over the top of the door landing all over me.

"Try em on. And come out for every one." Harry said as he and the others sat down on the bench outside of the room.

"What, so this can be some type of show for you all?" I asked sassily from inside the room.

"Just do it. Don't make me come in there." Harry threatened from outside making me roll my eyes. The first dress I tried on was yellow with sparkles along the neckline. I went out and twirled around not even bothering to look at their expressions before going back in and changing into the next.

"We want your opinion on the rest of them Madeline!" Harry said making me huff. I walked out in the next dress and raised my eyebrows at them.

"Little see through don't ya think?" I asked before walking back inside as I heard them mumbling amongst themselves. "Well there's a lot of leg on this one." I said as I walked out with the slit up almost all the way up my leg. "Only two more left!" I called out as I slipped the next dress on before walking out and back in without a statement. "Ok ready for the last one?!" I asked as I pulled it up and walked out.

"Alright now pick." Louis said while tapping his foot impatiently. I bit my lip while looking back into the dressing room to scan my options before pulling out the fourth dress and holding it up.

"I pick this one." I said as I held up the classic white dress with just enough sparkles for my liking. I saw all the guys groan except for Harry who was sitting in the middle smirking like a goon.

"I fucking knew she'd pick it! Pay up imbeciles! Look who moved up the list now!" He said as he held out his hand and they each handed him about 20 pounds. He then walked over towards me and whispered into my ear, "I saw you eyeing it the other day when we walked past the shop." Before winking and trotting off with the dress.

"Well? Go get your tuxedos. We don't have all day. We're on a schedule." I said using their words and going back into the dressing room and changing into my normal clothes.

By each of the dresses in the picture there is a number which shows the order she tried them on.

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