Chapter 33

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I woke up all by myself, just as I went to sleep alone. I never heard Harry come up last night nor get out of bed this morning, leaving me totally clueless to where he would be. After getting up and getting dressed, I made my way towards the stairs. Right as I was about to go down them Liam stopped me.

"Maddie! Bring this envelope to Harry in his office! I'm taking Dawn out now!" He said as he chucked me the envelope and proceeded out the door, not even giving me the chance to argue. I decided I'd do it anyways considering I forgot I had put them on dog duty. The only office in the cabin was on the top floor and it was reserved for Harry. I hadn't ever been in it before and barely knew where it was. I approached the door and gave a knock sending him into heaps of groans.

"WHO THE HELL IS IT NOW?! CAN'T YOU SEE I'M BUSY?!" He yelled as he slammed open the door making me jump back. His face was red and he kept a menacing stature over me. He also looked like he has maybe gotten an hour of sleep since his eyes were so bloodshot.

"I-uh-Liam told me to give you this." I mumbled not making eye contact with the infuriated man.

"Is that all?" He asked his voice still threatening. I nodded my head as he slammed the door back shut and I made my way back down the stairs.

"Oi how's it going Mads?!" Niall chirped as I came into the kitchen and sat down on one of the stools.

"Remind me to never do favors for any of you ever again." I said grumpily as I rested my head on my hand. Being yelled at so early in the morning set my day off to a bad start.

"Ah Harry's not that bad." The new guy Ashton said obviously hearing what had just gone on.

"Wait till he calls you into his office and you'll see." I retorted as I groaned and made myself breakfast.

After a couple of hours of the boys and I laying around in the living room, Harry shouted for them all to come up to his office. They've been up there for about a half an hour now and there's been numerous amounts of yelling, to the point where I can almost make out what they're saying from down here. Once the door slammed open and there were pounding footsteps on the stairs, I turned around to see scowls on all their faces.

"That bad eh?" I snickered quietly as they gave me a look that said 'you know it'. Just when I thought all the drama for tonight was over, Zayn told me the last thing I wanted to hear.

"Oh, Harry wants to see you Maddie." He said as he approached the bottom of the stairs making me stiffen in fear and turn towards them with wide eyes.

"What?! No!" I said as I frantically stood up off the couch away from the stairs.

"He's not going to be happy if you don't go up." Liam said as he stalked off into the kitchen leaving Niall and Louis with me.

"Please don't make me go!" I said as they came towards me before lifting me up onto one of their backs.

"No! He's going to beat me to smithereens!" I said as I pounded on their backs all the way up the stairs and down the hallway. "Don't put me in there!" I said right as the door was opened and I was plopped in promptly. Pushing my back up against the door and looking towards Harry who was staring intently at a map, I tried to act as if I wasn't there.

"Come here Madeline." He said lowly without looking up, I let out a huff of air and quietly tiptoed over to the front of his desk, not wanting to upset him. "Closer Madeline." He said as I walked right up next to him while biting my lip. He outstretched his arms and within a second he had pulled me down so I was sitting in-between his legs with my back facing him. He wrapped his arms loosely around my waist and set his chin on my shoulder. "I'm sorry I yelled at you this morning."

"It's were stressed." I mumbled in his grasp.

"No its not, just yell at me I deserve it." He said making me furrow my eyebrows.

"I mean I would, but you're so close to me I'm afraid you'd snap my neck." I said as he chuckled from behind me sending shivers down my spine.

"I guess I could prevent that from happening by you agreeing to become my girlfriend." He said into my ear giving it a small peck.

"Agreeing? Shouldn't I be asked first?" I said as I raised my eyebrows at him slightly turning my head around. Harry and I at this point had a mutual truce where we tried not to get on each others' nerves unlike the countless times before.

"Alright if you want to make things difficult." He tsked as he tapped my cheek, turning my face towards his. "Fine, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"Yes but if you ever yell at me again you'll have a shoe up your arse." I said as he smirked and began kissing my neck.

"And you need to stop with the threats. I like the innocent Madeline." He said as he continued kissing my neck, furthering down to my collar bone.

"Well this isn't keeping me too innocent is it?" I asked as I stood up quickly removing from his grasp and running to the door. As I pulled it open forcefully the other boys fell through at my feet smiling up cheekily as Harry glared at them.

"What the hell?!"

"It was Louis' idea!" They shouted as they scrambled up.

"You fucknuggets! You said we were in this together!" Louis shouted as he balled his fists up and chased them out of the room.

"And to think they're criminals."

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