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Apparently the last update was in late February??? I do and do not know how that happened. Sorry guys. At this point, I'm just following the dopamine and writing for the sake of writing, ya know? I'll leave no empty promises this time about update times and deadlines. 

And with that, enjoy this chapter. 

The sun was slowly setting when Bakugo finished making the brownies. He sighed as he took it out. 

"Anything on your mind you wanna talk about?" Masaru, katsukis dad, asked as she walked into the kitchen. 

"No." Katsuki plainly said. 

"Well your mom and I are here if you need anything." 


"...She also did ask if you could drop off a batch of brownies for Bisky and the others a few doors down." He tentatively said. 

'Old hag using dad to get me to do stuff. I hate yelling fat him.' Katsuki thought in frustration. 

"Fine." He agreed, putting the oven mitts back on because the container it was in was still warm. 

"Thanks, sport." Masaru smiled at him. He was about to congratulate him again for doing his best at the sports festival, but he had already made it to the front door. He decided to let it go and start making dinner for his family. 

When bakugo arrived, Gon, Killua and Bisky were all talking and they were looking at a limited edition Allmight figurine. 

Gon was complaing to bisky, "You need to stop using all of our money!!" 

"But it was right there!! Its not my fault collectables are expensive! What else was I supposed to do?? Just leave it there??" 

"Yes! That's exactly what you're supposed to do!" Killua argued. 

Since Danny never came and brought the door he was told to replace, they decided to leave it as is. The doorframe was there, but not the door. They stopped using the boulder as the door unless they were all going out of the house. They may not have many valuable things, but they do like their couches, tv, and golden toilet. Bisky has a sixth sense when it comes to that thing though. 

Bakugo made it to their driveway with the brownies in hand. 

Gon had stopped complaining and turned to look at the door, already have smelt the brownies and was overjoyed that it had came closer. Killua had sensed it too. They both made eye contact and bolted to the door while bisky watched, laughing. She figured she could let them have this win so they can't be pissed at her for buying almight collectables with money they don't have. 

Bakugos eyes widened and moved the brownies closer to his body as the boys ran at him. "OI! You're not going to mistreat my baking again." 

Got stopped, not wanting to make him more upset while Killua tried to snatch the tray. Bakugo held it over his head though. "You're fucking animals. Let me inside and I'll serve you."

Killua gave him a 'Bruh. Seriously?' look.

 Gon smiled glad that he'll get a guaranteed piece and that Bakugo wanted to do more than ding dong ditch them, "Sure!" 

They all went inside, going to the dining room table. 

"Do you have a kitchen towel or some shit?" Bakugo asked gruffly, not putting the tray down yet. 

"Why?" Killua plainly asked.

"So this docent fucking warp the table or leave a mark on it. Its still hot, dumbass."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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