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Izuku activated his quirk like he always does. He felt the power of one for all surge through himself like a tidal wave. As quickly as he turned on his quirk, all the aura which was previously flowing out of him in a decent ten was now spiking uncontrollably, mainly spiking where his hand is. 

Killua watched with Gyo. Izuku was doing good when he started, but it quickly turned to chaos. "Ok. You can stop now." He told him.

Izuku deactivated his quirk, thankful that Killua didn't want him to actually use it yet. He was pretty sure that Recovery Girl would scold him for breaking his bones again, especially because he did it out of school.

Killua thought of a new way to do this. He shouldn't simply give izuku the answer. He needs to think of it himself, but that doesn't mean that he can't give clues.

Killua activated ten, letting his aura flow around him in a calming manner. "What am I doing?" He asked Izuku.

"Standing?" He asked confused. 

"That's not what I'm asking. What am I doing?" Killua asked once more. 

"I don't get it." The greenette said, confused. 

"The whole idea of this is that you're not supposed to get it. You're supposed to figure it out. I'll ask again, what am I doing?"

Izuku thought for a moment, 'What could Killua be doing right now? I already know that he doesn't want to know that he is standing, so the options like breathing are out of the question. It most likely has something that he wants me to learn. Were learning about nen and life force, so he is probably using it right now. Allmight an I barely know the definitions of it though. This is going to be tougher than I thought.' Izuku watched killua intensely, trying to figure out what exactly he was doing.

"What's on your mind?" Killu asked him. Izuku was visibly thinking a bit too in-depth, but that means he knows something. 

"Well is just that..." He paused for a moment. "The only logical thing that you could be doing is something with your aura, but I don't know what you're doing or how to figure it out." Izuku started mumbling all the things that Killua could possibly be doing. 

'I need to take a simpler approach. He is overthinking like gon.' Killua sweatdropped. 'But he did logically figure it out. Now he just needs to do it.'

"Ok, Imma try something else. Forget about that right now." Killua said, turning off ten as he walked closer to Izuku, so he stood a few feet in front of him, looking him in the eye.

Izuku nervously started sweating as he looked into the eyes of a killer. They were cold and distant, much like how he was during class. Even though izuku would see killua often, he never got a chance to look at his eyes that close up. As he looked through his cold, crystal blue eyes, he saw a tint of darkness and despair. He didn't know where it came from. Maybe it had something to do with the scars? Maybe it's the reason why he is distant? It's hard to say.

"Take deep breaths. We're going to be doing some meditating. As boring as it sounds, it will work." Killua closed his eyes, in a relaxed position.

Izuku quickly looked away, realizing that he was staring. It struck him as odd that killua didn't say anything about it. He was sure that killua saw his stare, but why didn't he react? Izuku took a deep breath, trying to calm his mind of the racing thoughts. This whole thing was odd, to say the least. He didn't know what to think of it all. Mysterious, quirkless people with different powers just came up to himself and Allmight, figuring out his weak form. Surprising would be a huge understatement.

"I want you to turn on your quirk. Just turn it on don't focus on battling with it. Just let it flow throughout your body." Killua said, his eyes still closed. He turned on his ten, making it flow around him. Killua waited a bit to let Izuku get comfortable. 

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