Thank you Ashido

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The class was dismissed. Each individual left with more knowledge and experience.

Killua giddily ran to class, dragging Kaminari.

"I've never seen Killua so happy. It's kinda scary." Uraraka mumbled as she watched Kaminari scream while being dragged.

Gon knew that look. "That face means he is going to get some sweets."

"That's a lot of excitement for sweets..."Uraraka paled as Killua quickly ran around the corner, still dragging Kaminari.

The class already left the locker rooms and were heading out to lunch. In Killuas case, Candyland.

Izuku nudged Gon. "Do you want to have lunch with us while Killua does his thing?" He gestured to Uraraka and Iida who were hanging out beside him.

Gon didn't see any harm in it. There was little chance that Killua would share his treat with him. Gon would just use some of the money from Killua's latest assassination to get food.

"Sure" Gon said. With the money that Killua made with his assassin job, they were able to pay the old bills that would have made them get evicted if they didn't pay them. Now that Bisky has a job, Killua won't have to kill as many people. They were now able to use some of Killua's earnings for food.

Todoroki was walking the halls so he could get his soba from his backpack when he saw Izuku, Gon, Urarka, and Iida. He didn't say anything. He just kept walking towards his delicious soba. His gaze narrowed when he saw Killua smiling with several chocolate bars in his arms with Kaminari cheerfully talking next to him.

'They seem close.' Todorokis eyes narrowed. '...too close'

Allmight then stepped into the hallway from the teacher's lounge. "Young Midoriya!" He shouted.

Izuku jumped in fright, "Ye-yes?!"

Uraraka and Iida looked at Allmight with shocked faces.

"Do you want to come have lunch with me?" He asked, holding up a packed lunch.

Izuku looked at Gon apoligetically. He did just ask if Gon wanted to join them for lunch and now Allmight wants him to leave.

"Just go!" Gon saw his hesitation and pushed him towards Allmight.

Todoroki watched their interaction with a curious gaze, 'The little brother is telling him what to do now.' Todoroki then mentally frowned. 'How sad. Allmight wants to have a father-son lunch, yet he is not inviting Killua and Gon.'

Todoroki looked over to Killua who was now talking about candy with Kaminari while munching on one of his 5 chocolate bars.

'They hardly ever interacted before today. Somethings going on...' Todoroki looked at them suspiciously before walking away to go grab his soba.


Kaminari was bored in class and school was almost over. Killua sat in front of him. Kaminari decided that if he can't study or listen to the lesson, he might as well train. Kaminari took out his finger guns and shot Killuas back.

Killua woke up from his half-asleep state and turned around. "What was that for?" He raised a brow.

"I'm bored, so I figured that I should train." Kaminari answered with a shrug.

Killua gave him a look and shocked him back with his nen ability.

Kaminari flinched, quickly pulling back. He held his arm that Killua not so gently shocked. He was normally the one shocking things. Not the one being shocked.

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