Her too?!

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Bisky has them do stretches then a small workout. She chose the number based on their build. Mirio was fairly strong and she knew that Tamaki and Nejire had muscles despite their slim figures. She already knew about her two boys, so she didn't bother thinking much about them. Izuku might take longer, but she knew he could do 40 of just about anything if he tried enough.

"Ok, next up is quirks. Demonstrate your quirk and tell me the basics." Bisky ordered.

Nedzu quickly told her to speak her thinking prosses aloud, so he could hear. She had no problems with that. It was actually a smart idea.

First up was Mirio. He walked up to Bisky calmly.

"Punch me." He said.

"You really want me to do that?" Bisky asked curiously.

"Ye-" Bisky swung a punch towards his gut, followed by a kick to his side. "How fascinating. You can go through objects." She said, putting her leg gown and hand out in front of her so it phased through his chest, but not his clothes.

"Pemrninition. My body can phase through any physical matter. I can choose to do parts or the whole thing." He answered.

"This could be really useful, wow." Bisky drew her hand back. "Did you solve your clothes problem yet?" She asked curiously.

"Actually yes! My hero costume is specially made with fibers of my hair so it can phase with me."

"That doesn't make complete sense to me but if it works then I guess I can't say much," Bisky said, thinking about how that would work.

Nedzu intervened, "No, just speak your mind. That's part of why we're doing this anyway."

Bisky nodded and proceeded to say what she thought. "I understand the whole hair theory/concept but isn't all hair besides the roots technically dead and unable to use the quirk factor?"

"My hair can phase through stuff too..." Mirio said slowly, confused as to where she was going with this.

"Ok, but you said that your quirk lets your body phase through things, right?"


"When you cut your hair off, is it still technically apart of your body?" Bisky asked.

Mirio didn't really know what to say. Maybe it was? It came from his body, but now it's detached. So is it still his body? What even is a body at this point?

"Don't think cut off hair is apart of the body," Nejire answered. "For example, if someone used to have a leg and doesn't anymore, you would normally say that he lost his leg which is the same as losing a part of your body. It's not there anymore. It's gone. Poof!" She said.

Izuku looked at her oddly when she said poof.

"Where are you going with this?" Nedzu asked Bisky.

"You said to speak my thought process so, here it is." She answered simply. She thought for a moment then started up again. "If the hair on his head (which is technically dead except for the roots) can still use his quirk, then it's not a crazy assumption that he could continue using his quirk on it after it's cut off. And if that statement is true, then the question from earlier 'Is cut off hair a part of your body?' will be correct for you." She pointed to Mirio.

"Wait..." He processed all the words slowly. "All of that is technically true, so if I lose a finger, can I make it phase whenever I want?"

Bisky almost laughed at the idea. "If my theory is true, then yes."

"Are you sure because that sounds kinda weird." Miri sweatdropped.

"There's only one way to prove a theory!" Nedzu shouted, grabbing a knife out of nowhere with an evil grin.

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