Welcome to UA

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"Here's your mail." The mailman handed bisky a letter with a red seal which was labeled UA.

"Thank you sir." Bisky said, going back inside where Gon and killua were playing Mario Kart.

"No fair. You ALWAYS win Killua!" Gon pouted after losing for the 10th time today.

"It's not my fault you suck at video games." Killua shrugged.

"Two letters came for you guys. It's from UA high." Bisky said tossing it over to them, so she could continue making breakfast.

Gon and Killua grabbed their individual letters. "Who goes first?" Gon asked.

"You go first. I'm following you with whatever you want to do." Killua said.

Gon smiled and opened the envelope which revealed a disc which made a projection of the giant blonde man they saw with Izuku. "Hello, youngster! I'm here to tell you about your exam performances." He said smiling like always.

"I swear I'm gonna rip that smile off his face." Killua snarled.

"Killua..." Gon said in a 'no. Stop that' tone.

"I know. I know. I'm not gonna kill the guy. Maybe punch him in the face, but that will be it." Killua shrugged.

Allmight then spoke up, " You sort of...flunked the written portion..." He scratched the back of his head, not really knowing what to say. He then mumbled, "How did he get zero out of 50 in the multiple choice..?"

Killua then burst out in laughter, "HAHA!! YOU REALLY ARE AN IDIOT!!" Killua rolled on the ground.

"You managed to get everything wrong!" He laughed so hard, tears formed in his eyes.

Gon pouted childishly, still watching the screen as another screen behind Allmight popped up as he explained, "Although you got a bad score, all of the teachers and I were astounded by your strength and your fast reflexes in battle." The screen then showed the top 25 scorers, "Gon Freecs. 1st place! 120 points are of those are combat points which you earned by defeating robots and 60 of them are from rescue points. Heroism is all about saving others, you saved another boy from being crushed by the 0 point robot. Which gave you a total of 180 points!" Allmight yelled while confetti was shot at him.

He spat out some confetti and grumbled, "I said I didn't want you to do that anymore." He sighed, continuing even though there was confetti all over him.

"Haha!" He mocked, laughing at killua. "I beat you! You're in second place!"

"I didn't even try, yet I still got second place," Killua smirked, crossing his arms with confidence radiating off him.

"You made it into class 1A. This is your hero academia!" He said making at thumbs up with his hand.

"So cheesy." Killua laughed.

"Your turn, killua." Gon said to killua who looked a bit annoyed. He opened the envelope with the projection turning on. A tired man popped up on the screen, "Hello killua. I'm a UA teacher who will tell you your scores on the exams..." The man yawned tiredly, covering his mouth with his hand. "You barely passed the written portion while you got 2nd place in the practical exam. You got 130 villain points and 25 rescue points adding to a grand total of 155 points. Congratulations you passed. This is your hero academia!" He cheered the last part with fake enthusiasm.

"He needs a nap." Gon mumbled.

"No kidding."


Gon and Killua were walking to school in their UA high uniforms. Killuas tie was undone and gons hair was as spiky as always.

They surveyed the area. UA was four giant buildings with walkways connecting each of them, making it look like an 'H'

Gon then saw a brown bunny hopping on the floor in front of him.

Card spotted.

Gon and killua looked at each other in silent agreement then proceeded to sprint after they bunny which ran into the gates of UA.

"NO RUNNING ON SCHOOL GROUNDS!' A random teacher yelled at them, but they didn't listen. They were hunting.

They ran up the stairs after several failed tries of diving to catch him which lead to them hitting their face on the floor.

"Why are you running?" A random student asked.

Gon then responded by screaming and laughing.

They ran into the hall leading to class 1A. Killua and gon cornered the frightened bunny against the wall. Gon then dove, hugging the poor bunny. It then poofed into a card in his arms."I got you, haha." Gon smiled, putting the card in his pocket. Killua then opened the door to class 1a with gon following close behind.

They opened the door, hearing whispers all around them as they walked into class, taking seats next to each other.

Whispers flowed through the class, saying things like, "Those are the top two scorers in the exams - I heard they are way younger - Did you hear that the two greenette boys punched the 0 pointer, making it break with a single punch."

Killua was getting ticked off with all the whispering going on, so he stood up from his seat and said loudly and affirmingly, letting off an eerie aura, "Quit whispering. It's rude. If you want to say something about us then say it to our face."

Everyone stopped whispering. Then the door opened revealing another greenette boy who was super nervous.

"Ne killua, Its the guy from the beach. Let's go say hi." Gon smiled at his friend.

Killua felt a little left out, but he will have to deal with it because of the fact it's not only the two of them. There are other kids too.

Killua pouted, following his hyper friend with his hands tucked into his pockets lazily.

"Hey! I'm glad you passed the exam." Gon cheerily said as he walked towards Izuku.

"I am too...I'm glad to be here. I'm kinda surprised that we're all in the same class though. I met Iida and Uraraka on the same battlefield, you guys at the beach and my childhood friend over there." Izuku sheepishly pointed at the angry blonde yelling at Iida.

"The Blondie has anger issues that's for sure" Killua scoffed.


"I said the Blondie has temper tantrums." Killua faced him with a smug face on.

"THAT'S IT!" He yelled, stomping over to killua, letting out explosions.

Killua laughed as he saw his palms spark with medium-sized explosions, "Oi gon, this could be the bombers kid, but he's not as smart as him."

"I guess so..." Gon said, unsure if he should hold killua back from starting an actual fight or side with him to defend his point, so he did nothing yet.

"I'm smarter than you think. Don't you dare think otherwise." Bakugo snarled in Killuas face.

"I'm sure you're the most intelligent person on the planet, but your anger issues ruin it majorly. Now get out of my face before I remove you myself." Killua plainly said with no sign of fear. Only confidence. This ticked bakugo off. Most people cower in fear or at the very least look a bit intimidated, but he didn't.

The door then opened once more revealing a black haired man in a yellow sleeping bag. "You can fight in combat training. Not here. Welcome to the hero course. I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shota." He said standing up and stepping out of his sleeping bag.

"It took you 8 seconds to quiet down. That wastes time. Time is valuable in the hero course so you need to step up your game. Now, let's get to business." He grabbed PE uniforms from his sleeping bag, "Put these on and meet me in the field."

"Training already? Yay!" Gon cheered quietly, nudging killua with a smile on his face.

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