Just a bunny

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3rd POV

Because of the attack at the USJ, school was shut down for the remainder of the week for investigation.

Throughout the week, Gon and Killua played video games, trained and hung out. On the 3rd day of their unexpected vacation, Bisky got a phone call from the school. "Hello?"

Principal Nedzu spoke in a cheery voice. "Hello! I hope you are doing well. The faculty and I were amazed at your strength portrayed at the USJ that we were wondering if you would consider working as an assistant or co-teacher with Allmight for foundational Hero studies?"

Bisky's jaw dropped.

Killua and gon came out of the backyard from playing catch while doing handstands. Killua saw her stunned expression and asked, "Who's that?"

She slowly turned to him, still in shock. "I'm getting a job offer from UA..."

Killua's eyes widened.

"Are you free for an interview tomorrow at noon?" Nedzu asked, hearing her amazed voice when speaking to the person at her house.

"Yes! I'm free for the interview." She said hurriedly.

"Good! Can you prepare a combat lesson to show me on that day?"

"Sure. Will I be allowed to bring Killua and gon to work as students?"

"That works for me."

"Alright. Thank you so much!"

"The pleasure is mine."

Bisky hung up and looked at Killua and gon with stars in her eyes. "I'm gonna get a job!!"

"Baba, you haven't even gone to the interview yet." Killua teased, knowing that he is making more money than her with his assassinations.

Bisky glared at the boy. "I know, but still! I'm tired of just sitting around all day. I have too much free time."

"You could have been making and selling stuff online or anything. You know were overdue on basically all our bills."

"Since when have I ever made something?"

"I don't know. You're a baba. Make a quilt or something. If you don't like that, then just sell your golden toilet."

"I will not sell it. I love it very much."

Gon intervened. "I found her asleep hugging it the other day."

Knock knock

Gon went to go see who was at the door entrance. They still need to fix it. Gon saw the detective from the other day in his tan coat. "Hello!" Gon said looking up at the taller man who was looking at the broken front door laying on the front lawn.

He turned his attention to the boy, "Hey there. I came by for your guy's interview of what happened at the USJ. Is that ok with you guys?" He asked. He didn't often go to the witness's house, but he wanted to get out of the office for a bit.

"Yeah. That ok." Gon said, walking inside and waving at him to follow. Gon pointed to the dining table saying, "You can take a seat there for a bit. " He turned to the living room. "Bisky! The detectives here!" Gon shouted. He knew Bisky was in the living room with him when the detective knocked on the doorframe, but now she is not there. "That's weird." Gon looked around in confusion.

"I think she is upstairs," Killua said, taking a seat at the table. Gon went upstairs. He found her in her room, on her laptop.  "What are you doing?"

On her research of quirks, she scrolled down seeing a section about the mutant type quirk. "If I'm going to teach kids combat, then I need to know about quirks better. They need to know how to use everything that they have. Not just punches and right now that all I can teach."

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