(Bibi) Chapter 8: Forget about me?

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Ooooh, I get it! Making your chapter seem all dramatic, trying to make mine look boring? Pfft! Cheap! So while you were watching the two nutcases beat each other up, you may have been wondering where I was... I had no idea.

      Ok, maybe I should back up. Rewind to about a day, we reached Pam's house where our brief conversation was this:

      Jessie: hey mom we're bac-


      Jessie and Me: (o_o)

     Pam: Well?! I'm listening! And wipe your feet on the doormat! This isn't a zoo!

     Yeah, warm welcome. We ran in the house and Jessie started blabbering about the day to Pam while I searched their house for a piece of gum. Once the black hole appeared, Pam and Jessie were both startled by the black hole. I took it in a lot faster, put it with the fact that Tara is the only one that can summon black holes and I got a distress signal. I ran down the stars and burst through the door. I sprinted down the street before stopping to hear a knock on a window. I turned around and saw Jessie looking at me, distressed. I gave her a wink and a wave and continued running off.

     I suppose I shouldn't have left her like that. Truth was, I was just used to throwing myself in harm's way to give others time. Whenever me and the guys get into a sticky situation, I'm always the one who has to buy them time. The first time Bull forced me to do it, I felt like it was a death sentence, then it became a chore, after that it was just a daily routine. Now... it's instinct? I don't frickin' know.

     Maybe I was annoyed that I left her out, or just the fact that I left her with Pam, or that she actually cares whether I die or not...

     I shook my head and continued running, trying to remember exactly where the black hole was. Where did that thought come from? She can't care, who cares? I know I don't. If she did, what happened earlier today? What happened with everyone ditching me then!? Why couldn't she at least tell me?

     Those thoughts made me angry, being angry made me run faster, running faster made more thoughts. It was an annoying system, but surprisingly works.

      I found a rusty ladder in an alleyway leading to the rooftop and took it, rushing up the bars. I took to the rooftops and about five minutes later, I found Max and Tara getting their butts whooped.

     Skip the whole fight and zoom in on the scene where I laid injured on the floor, soaked in blood. Seeing how I didn't immediately die, it probably missed my heart or any vital organs. This didn't mean it didn't hurt like hell.

     Several bullets hit me, four in my arms, three in a leg, one got stuck in my hair (again), but the major one was a bullet stuck in my chest. I risked a look to see how bad it was. Swallowing the pain, I lifted my head up as far as I could. I peaked one eye out, and immediately closed it again. It was stuck in my chest deep all right, right in my belly button. blood spewing out like a f**ked up fountain. I gritted my teeth and tightened my eyes in a wince, trying to hold out.

     It was hard to hear anything around me. It felt like it was just me and my bloody chest. My eyes fluttered giving me a messed up view. Was the world supposed to spin? Or be made of bubble gum?

     I blinked to keep my eyes open. My vision was incredibly blurry so I had to assume the red blotch over me was Tara. The blotch was yelling something, but I couldn't hear her properly.

     "Hold on! ... I'm  ... pull it! ... Brace!"

     I was about to say "brace for what" when she yanked the bullet out of my chest.

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