Protologue: (???)

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(Somewhere two days into the future)

           "You just wait you fat piece of s***, the second I get a chance I will ram my fist into your cheap, plastic screen so hard-"

            "Oh s- save your strength" he said while rolling his eyes. "I can hear all about your th- th- th- threats l- later". He had a plummy, smug smile on his face, like he already won. I would have loved to smack said smile right off his face. But I knew I was here as a prisoner, and unlike my previous times, I wasn't sure if there was gonna be a way out.

            "You know your f- fate has already b- b- been sealed right? No point in worthless b- banter, much less escape at- attempts"

            He turned to look at me.

           "You do know that, n- no?"

            I just glared into the corner.

           His smile grew wider. "I thought s- so. It'd cer- cer- certainly w- w- would be funny I- if you tried". He wasn't looking too great either, a ripped off limb, lots of dents caused by yours truly. The smug smile ruined all it though.

           He limped forward, grabbed my ear, and put it right next to his face.

          "But there is no es- es- escape for you here, like there was for m- m- me" he whispered right next to me. It's almost impossible to read his tone from that stuttery voice.

          I yanked my head away and gave a hard headbutt right in the middle his screen.

           He stumbled back and rubbed his eye, snarling "Oww! Terminator scraps and U- U- Ultron! Do you know how expensive tech support can be!?".

           "You just wait till I get out, see how much insurance you'll need" I smirked. He blinked and then busted out in laughter

           "Ha... HA! HA HA! HA HA HA! You think you're in any position to threaten me? I could kill you right now if I feel like it, but you'll respawn anyway so what's the point!". He suddenly pushed the chair on the floor and then walked over and slammed one of his tendrils on my chest, forcing a whine/grunt out of my mouth. It felt like he was dumping a anvil on it. He kept pressing on it, and I couldn't move to try to lift it or shift the weight. One rib snapped, two ribs snapped. He didn't give any sign of slowing down. I closed my eyes tightly and grasped my chair as hard as I could. I kept gasping for air and the pain in my chest felt like a hot needle in my gut. My vision tunnelled, my heartbeat pounding in my ears.

          "8-bit!"I spat out in an desperate attempt. Right when I was sure my rib cage would just completely snap, he released his arm. I gasped for air, my chest feeling like a bag of bones being shook around, but I was alive. He stepped back and started cursing. I couldn't hear exactly what he said, but I was just thankful that I could have air again.

         He finally returned to me after two painful minutes.

         "Blundering soft id- id- id- idiot!" He muttered "How can this hunk of junk still care? Care for the likes of you? Ricochet would have been perfect but no, I have to be stuck with an outdated, slow, and obese arcade mac-"

          "Losing... control?" I interrupted. I weakly smiled at him as I took large breaths.

         He turned to me, furious. "Don't m- m- mock me! If it were up to me, I would have thrown you in the trash like I was!"

          "You said up to me?". He paused for a second and cursed some more.

         He turned to me again with a sneer "Ohhhh... I see. You think you're sooo t- t- tough. But listen here right now." He set his blaster on my throat, pressing right on my jugular.

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