(Max) Chapter 11: Ooh, I get two Parts!

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        Oh joy! My turn again! Oh boy I'm gonna have to finish this one quickly don't I? I can already hear Bibi throwing a tantrum in the room next to me. Well, it's not like I want to stay here anyhow.

So after Tara got us in the whole mess of a treasure hunt, Darryl led both of us to the side of the boat with Penny and Tick following him, the two quickly briefed on his whole treasure hunt shenanigan.

"Rightie then" he started. "From about here ye two should start. Take a boat and sail that-a-way." He pointed towards the horizon. "Sail back here by nightfall with what ye found, and I'll try to ask Penny for 'er microscope"

Penny snorted. "We'll see about it". I wasn't completely sure if she was on our side or not. I mean we had the whole conversation and all, but then when she faced Darryl, she seemed to just... stop working? I don't know.

"Uh great", I mumbled."Couldn't you give us something else though. Like I don't know, water or food?" I suggested

He narrowed his eye on me again, "Listen lassie, good pirates survive with only two things."

"A barely functioning liver and a lack of eyeballs?" I quickly muttered under my breath before quickly responding "A good crew and a good captain?". Tara must have heard me because the edges up of mouth twitched up, which for Tara was rolling on the floor with laughter.

"What!? No! A barely functioning liver and a lack of eyeballs!"

I blinked. "Is that... actually what it i-"

Before I could even finish, he slapped me across the cheek. "NO YOU SON OF A DIRTY BOOTLICKER! YE THINK I CAN'T HEAR YER MUMBLEN?! I WAS MADE WITH ONE EYE YOU BARREN BARNACLE!" He knocked me to the floor while continuing to berate me with more insults. Penny and Tick quickly burst into laughter. Oh yeah, they definitely weren't on my side. I guess after one nice conversation it's just back to old times. Yeah that's fine. Tara actually formed a complete smile, which I don't even know what it meant for her. If the eye really was supposed to make her emotions more powerful, I'll admit she was ridiculously good at hiding them. Either that or she always acted like a deflated balloon in a party.

Tara... speaking of Tara. I think I should cut her some slack. From the talk/fight we had on the beach to just a normal talk in the cell, she seems more human. Like... less arabian monster, and more of just someone that just has to deal with a lot on her plate, which I can relate to. I still don't feel fond of her, since she still owes me an explanation with Bibi, and she doesn't exactly think much better of me as well. But I could get along with her for the time being, at least work with her. Penny? I'm not so sure about.

It took him about three or four minutes for him to finish his impromptu speech of "How to insult a superhero!". Once he was done I blankly said "Ow". I've been bullied before but this was definitely more embarrassing than what I'm used to.

He rolled his eye and continued on with what he was saying earlier. "I was gonna say wits and a fist, even you two landlubbers can follow it. Since it's clear you lack one of the two, ye ought to let your teammate handle the wits. As fer food, ye can worry about grub when ye come back.". I had to resist the urge to glare at Tara, even though she was my teammate and had nothing to do with this.

"Right, that's all I need to tell you. Come on crew, let's-"

"Wait!" Penny quickly interjected, "I'm going to go with them".

"Eh, why?"

"First, if I'm gonna give up my microscope, I'm gonna see for myself If they deserve it. Second, once they get out of our range they're just gonna book it for the mainland.". I heard Tara softly curse, since that was probably just what she was thinking.

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