(Tara) Chapter 10: An Ocean

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My mouth tasted like tar as I licked my lips.

      "Whoa wait, we're not- you can't-" Max seemed to be protesting.
      "And what makes ye say I can't! It be my ship!" Darryl snapped.

      My hands seemed to flicker, shadow black to their normal beige.

      "Enough blabbering! Toss 'em in the cellar!" He ordered.
      "Wait! Penny please! Back me up here!" Max pleaded.

      Every time I upon my eyes the world seemed to warp around me. It was like some form of purgatory or limbo.

      "Come on Darryl, what's the deal with putting them in the different cells!" Penny's familiar voice called.
      "You've seen what they can do, I'm not taking any chances with the landlubbers, even unarmed!" Darryl responded.

      Black dots danced in my eyes as I slowly rotated my head around my aching neck, the black magic taking its toll.

      I saw hazy glimpses surrounding me fly past me, through the future and the past. A handshake with a red hand, a shade the size of a house, rain-like tears and buckets of blood mixed with oil. Max, Bibi, Jessie, 8-bit, so many more names rushed through my ears, so many faces, so many corpses. I was in a sandstorm.

       I willed my soul to clear the sand, to find a way out. The sand started to dissipate and the storm faded. The dust devil died along with the harsh winds. As the last grain of sand disappeared, I was sent back..

      I woke up gasping, clutching my chest. Every body part ached with an intense burning. My eyes were covered in a blanket of red, the same red that the sands were.

     The pain eventually faded as I simply sat still. A good minute after the pain wore off I took a look with my good eye. My vision cleared and noticed where I was first, in a cell. From the rats, wooden walls, and the unnatural tilt we were on a ship, Penny captured us.

      My hands were chained to the wall so I could barely reach the walls beside me with one knuckle. My feet were shackled as well so I could put them no more than half a meter apart. My bracelets were robbed too.

     I was about to mutter something except nothing came out. I was quickly alarmed and tried to say something again, nothing escaped my lips. I tried looking, opening my other eye, but my vision stayed the same. I rushed my hands to my forehead, it was gone.

     Some of you may not have understood the panic I felt there. Besides the fact that my eye was how I saw out of my right side, my eye was how I managed to form a voice, like an actual voice that isn't incoherent mumbling. I could speak if I needed to, but since Gene and Sandy both understood what I said by heart, I never felt the need to speak in english unless I was going outside. The eye was priceless to me. Not "wedding ring" or "watch" priceless, more priceless than something you trade your left kidney for, or in my scenario, my right eye. It was worth more than all the sacrifice I had to go through to get it.

Also it was how I summoned black holes and preform any other forms of magic, did I leave that detail out?

     I forced myself to focus back to the situation at hand, pushing the panic down in a swallow.

     There were no windows, no toilets, no beds, just wood. Most likely meaning that this was meant to holding cell to transport prisoners, not keep them here permanently. I knew Darryl and his crew quite well, they would normally play this as a prank, or when they know a group of people were weak, like me and Max, and even so they wouldn't keep them long. They'd either fought their way out (El-primo, Rosa, Me, Bull, etc.), or died and respawned months later (almost everyone else). I didn't have to be a fortune teller to be sure which option was more probable.

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