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Eddy squeezed his eyes shut, trying not to hear it. Sure he had figured they were rough, but this? It sounded like someone was angrily thumping a log into the wall and fighting a wild animal at the same time. The sounds traveled through the walls and into Eddy's bedroom, making it impossible to even consider sleeping. Not even the sweet sound of the Debussy playlist he used for when he couldn't sleep could drown it out. 

After staring at the inside of his eyelids for a while, Eddy figured he'd go remind the happy couple that this was too much. He had a rehearsal in the morning, and even though it seemed Brett didn't need sleep he sure did. 

He pulled his duvet aside and slid his feet into his slippers, yawning a bit as he dragged them across the floor into the living room where the shared wall was. It sounded like whatever they were doing was happening right there in front of him, and it honestly made Eddy feel a bit sick. Something sounded off about it. It wasn't the sound of a loving couple making passionate love and whispering sweet words to each other. This sounded more violent, like the goal here was to get off by hurting the other. 

Eddy would've dismissed it. He would've dismissed it as some weird kink, some weird stuff he wanted to know nothing about. In fact, he was only a moment from banging on the wall back to announce the fact he could hear them when Brett's pleading voice sounded through the wall. 

"Mike, please… please stop. Ow, please…!" 

The soreness behind it paralyzed Eddy for a moment, gluing him to the floor. Sure, it could be acting. Some fantastic acting that would be. Sure, it could be nothing but a weird kink. It could be a weird kink they both consented to, but then why did his voice sound like that? Why was it so vulnerable, small and fragile and so very scared? 

Eddy had no idea what to do. What could he even do? He wanted to help, wanted to knock on their door and tell this Mike to get off the small man. The guy was huge though, and he could easily beat the crap out of both of them. Maybe call the police? And risk making it worse for Brett later on if he wasn't ready to leave the guy, though? 

Despite how uneasy he felt about it, he settled on recording what was happening on his phone for a bit and then he'd bang on the wall and sit there in his dark living room for a while to make sure nothing more happened. He didn't know how else to help his new friend. At least he could be a witness and have evidence if he was able to talk Brett into calling the police in the morning. 

Eddy fell asleep on the couch a while after they stopped and it became quiet. He was just relieved it did stop when he let them know he was there. 

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