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Eddy came up the elevator first, both violins on his back. Brett had let him off by the main entrance of their building, not wanting to risk running into Mike in the garage or anything like that. 

It turned out he absolutely didn't have to worry about that, as Mike was leaning on the wall next to their apartment door as he stepped out. Eddy gave him a small nod to acknowledge that he had seen him, but the glare that came with it let him know it wasn't a friendly gesture. There was no way he could fight him, though, no matter how much he wanted to. The guy was massive and could probably crush Eddy to dust in six seconds. 

Eddy unlocked the door and slipped inside, closing it behind him. His body ached to just go lay down after a long day, but he needed to know how it went with Brett when he made it up the elevator. 

Should he text him? Warn him that Mike was waiting outside, looking like he was in an awful mood? That definitely wouldn't work if Mike checked his phone, though. It would more than likely just make it a million times worse. The guy was laying his hands on the smaller man, so why wouldn't he be checking his phone? 

His thoughts were interrupted by the familiar ding of the elevator, and he found himself leaning his ear against the door to listen. 

"There you are," Mike said, sounding sweet. Fake sweet like aspartame. Eddy felt sick hearing it, knowing it was no good. "Welcome home." 

"Why aren't you inside?" Brett asked him, barely loud enough for Eddy to hear. He sounded so much smaller when Mike was there, so worried and nervous. Every centimeter of Eddy wanted to go out there and pull him into his apartment and make sure he was safe with a cup of nice tea and some warm dinner. 

"Wow. Love you too," Mike scoffed, moving closer to the elevator as he spoke. "But I guess you don't love me, do you?" 

"What? I do love you, I just…" 

"Oh please, save it," Mike said, obviously riling himself up now. "You're just trying to hide the fact that I basically caught you cheating on me. Again." 

"I was just at work, Mike, I promise," Brett said quietly, clearly on the verge of tears from the way his voice broke. A soft thump from the wall by the elevator was heard after that. 

"Why should I believe you? You broke your violin, so how are you even working? You're sucking his dick as payment aren't you?" Mike snarled. "That's why you're late home. I saw him come in earlier. Trying to hide it by sending him up first, huh?" 

"There's nothing between me and Eddy, I swear," Brett sobbed, breaking Eddy's heart. He hated being the cause for all this, but what could he do? If he stepped outside to pull Brett away from the nasty man, wouldn't that just prove what Mike was thinking? "You're the only one I love, Mike." 

"Prove it." 


"You know what I fucking mean, you..!" Mike said, raising his voice only to be interrupted by something that muffled his voice. Eddy didn't want to know what it was. He just figured it meant no good was coming. 

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