Part 1

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By Ebony 

Bellatrix POV

I wake up in Malfoy manor and instantly feel sick. I look around and see my husband, Rudolphous Lestrange, lying on the bed beside me, "Morning..." he says drearily. I nod and turn over, my curly black hair fall over my face. "You good?" he says. I nod again. I hear his head the pillow and after a while I hear the sound of his slow and steady snore.  I get up and head down the stairs, wrapping a robe around my shoulders. "Bella? Up early are we?" says a mans voice behind me, "Lucius! Yes, I'm hungry," I turn. Lucius Malfoy's cold eyes stare into mine. "I'll tell the cook." He walks past me and into the kitchen. I sit down at one side of the huge table in the dining room. Lucius come's in and sits across from me. "Feeling ok?" I nod looking at the door, wishing someone would come through. After a while, the cook comes bussling through the door with a big tray. She puts a plate and a cup in front of me. I smell the breakfast, "Mmmmm..." I say smelling the bacon and eggs. My throat begs for something to drink. I pick up the coffee and take a sip. Before I know what's happening I through up all over the table, and all over Lucius!

He gets up slowly and turns to leave, "Sorry!" I yell after him. Rudolphous walks in and looks at me shocked.Then he turns  and runs holding his stomach. "Dobby!" I yell. The house elf comes blundering in, "Yes madam?" I turn to him, "Clean this mess up!" He nods as I leave. I walk to my bedroom and lay down again. Narcissa Malfoy, my sister, walks in. "Are you alright Bella?" I nod, "I'm fine Cissy." she nods, unconvinced. "I heard you were sick, well more smelt it on Lucius as he came into the room!" she laughed slightly, so did I. Rudolphous came in, "Hello, Narcissa." he said not looking me in the eye, "Can I talk to my wife in private?" Cissy nodded and left the room. "I want you to have a pregnancy test." he announced. I gasped slightly. "What?!" I said, standing up. "Rudolphous Lestrange, I think I'm  capable of knowing if I am carrying a CHILD!" Rudolphous stepped back, "No! You will have one!" I knew I couldn't win this fight. I stared at my bare feet, "Fine, but if I'm right, you owe me 10 galleons!" Rudolphous stuck out his hand and laughed, "Deal," I hesitated, then, without him knowing what was going on, I spat into my hand and shook his. He pulled back in disgust, "Bella!" I laughed hysterically at his face, but some where down in my gut, I knew I had just lost 10 galleons. 

Ebony: Sorry this chapter was so small - will try and get a longer one next

Bellatrix: Well dayummmmm

Bella: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Rudolphous: Wait, that's more work 😫

Bella, Bellatix and Ebony: 🤣🤣🤣

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