Part 7

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By Ebony

TW: Torture and abuse

Ebony: we got no parents!!!


Fred and George: We're here to take care of you!

Lucius: What?

Bella: *drop kicks Lucius out the door*

Draco and Ally (from corridor): bhahahahahahahahah

Narcissa POV

The next few months were hell. Ebony and Bella screamed and cried for the rest of the day when Rudolphous and Bellatrix were taken. They seemed to understand that they would probably never see their parents again. Bellatrix told the girls stories about Azkaban and all the horrible things that happened there. I guess she never thought she would end up there one day... 

After a few days of non-stop crying from the two girls they calmed down. Bella would spend the day sitting under her small bed, silent and practically invisible. Ebony would sneak around the house getting into all types of trouble. Once she used magic to make a pot follow the cook around the large kitchen for an hour and a half. The poor cook had to go and lay down and our lunch was late. Which made Lucius madder than he already was. Lucius had somehow managed to convince the minister for magic that Bellatrix and Rudolphous had been holding us captive and using the Imperius curse on us. I went along with it. 

Alecto Carrow, Ally's mother, was taken just after Bellatrix and Rudolphous left the girl with her father, who was never at home anyway. So Lucius and I had to look after the 4 children.

The Dark Lord hadn't been seen since he went to kill the boy, Harry Potter, Bellatrix had gone half crazy and tortured Alice and Frank Longbottom convinced they knew where Voldemort was. Alice and Frank had gone crazy with the torturing and they were now in St Mungo's undergoing treatment. 

Their poor son, Neville, was left with his grandmother. I think it was cruel of Bellatrix to rip Neville's parents away from him. But it was not my choice...

Lucius POV

Stupid Bellatrix, stupid Rudolphous, stupid Alecto. They left the work of looking after the four screaming and crying children to Narcissa and me. If they didn't get caught (like me and Narcissa) none of this would've happened. I hated them. I spent the first few months after the disappearance of the Dark Lord in my study or my bedroom. Narcissa would have one of the children bring food up to me. One day Bella was bringing some lunch up to me and when she was putting the tea down she spilt it all over my lap. I quickly whipped out my wand and crucioed her for a few minutes. She screamed and screamed but I didn't care. When Narcissa came up to see what the screaming was about I told her that Bella had spilt tea on her self and I proved it by quickly doing an aquamenti spell on the front of her dress. Narcissa nodded and said,

"Clean up and come down for lunch," I quickly threatened Bella and told her if she did anything wrong again, that she would be punished. She nodded with tears in her eyes. She was nearly 3 and a half but I didn't care how young she was. Children living in my house would not be disobedient or make mistakes. 

6 months later

Ebony POV

I had just turned 4 and I had come in from playing in the woods when Bella called me into the small room Ally, Draco, Bella and I shared. I sat down on the end of the small bed we shared and listened. She told me all about how Uncle Lucius had used one of the Unforgivable Curses on her when she spilt some tea on him. I went over and gave her a long-lasting hug. "Don't worry," I said to her, "We can tell Mama and get it all sorted out," (I used to call Cissy 'Mama' when I was younger because I couldn't remember my real one). Bella shook her head and said, 

"Uncle Lucius told me not to tell anyone or he'll use it again!" I thought but couldn't come up with anything to do. Just then Uncle Lucius burst into the room. 

"I told you not to tell anyone, Bella!" he spat. Bella quickly moved in front of me and started to slowly walk us both back towards the wall. "You'll both regret this," he growled. He went out of the room and slammed the door. Bella moved to the bed and then burst out crying,

"I... shouldn't... have told... you..." she said between sobs. I hugged her and we lay there, crying, for more than an hour. In the next few days, Ally and Draco both got their own rooms. Bella and I were stuck in the nursery. Ally and Draco had taken most of the furniture but at least Bella got Draco's old bed (Draco got a new one). Our only furniture was the two used beds, some old set of drawers that used to be our parents and some crates in the corner that we used for a tea party table and chairs. The blue duck wallpaper was peeling in places and the carpet was nearly all ripped out. Cissy came in one day and talked to us for ages. She promised that she would talk to Lucius about moving to another room but we knew he wouldn't say yes. 

Bella POV

One day Ebony and I were relaxing in our room and Lucius came into the room. I quickly sat in front of Ebony, trying to shield her from Lucius. 

"I told you both that you would regret it," he hissed, "Narcissa has taken Draco and Ally out, that means we're all alone," He rose his wand and said the crucio incantation. I screamed in pain. He angled the wand so that it pushed me off the bed and onto the floor. He stopped and turned to Ebony. She shuffled back on the bed and tried to cover herself with the blanket but Lucius ripped it away. 

"Wait!" I yelled, "She didn't do anything!" 

"But you told her," replied Lucius, "So you must be punished, incarcerous," he shouted. Thick ropes twisted around my limbs and tied me down so I couldn't move. One rope went around my mouth, making it so that I couldn't talk.

"Crucio!" he yelled. Ebony writhed and screamed in pain. Lucius moved closer to her, making it so the curse was stronger. It went on for hours. When Cissy and the others came back Lucius quickly left and said that we were playing hide and seek. Cissy seemed pleases with that answer. Ebony and I swore from that day that we would NEVER call Lucius our 'uncle' except if we absolutely had to. 

Bella: Well that was cheerful!

Ebony: yes.....

Lucius: you told me you wouldn't tell anyone!!!!

Bella and Ebony: meh

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