Part 5

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By Ebony


Ebony: keep running

Bellatrix: Ebony!

Ebony: I'm coming, Bella! *runs*

Rudolphous: Get back here!!!q

We went down the stairs and into the main room. The Death Eaters looked up as we walked in and a few of them emitted, "Awwwww"s from their mouths. The Dark Lord came over to us and ran his finger up Bella's arm.

"Have you decided godparents?" he asked,

I looked at Rudolphous and he nodded, we had talked about this, "Ebony's godparents," I said holding out Ebony, "are Lucius and Narcissa," Lucius and Narcissa nodded at me and smiled. 

"Bella's godparents," said Rudolphous, holding out Bella, "are Narcissa and you, my Lord," The Dark Lord looked taken aback. 

"She is quite cute," replied Voldemort, "I accept," I smiled at The Dark Lord and then up at my husband who was beaming down at Bella. I felt slightly faint and quickly excused myself, retreating to my room; Rudolphous behind me. I lay down in my bed and Rudolphous lay Bella beside me. "Two beautiful girls!" he exclaimed before slowly walking backwards out of the room. 

"Yes, two beautiful girls,"


Third Person

"Bella! Don't pull your sister's hair!" "Ebony! Stay still!" "Please don't cry!" "Draco! Put your Fathers wand down!" "I swear to Merlin, Ally!" Malfoy Manor was filled to the brim with screaming babies and parents over the next few months. Narcissa and Lucius' baby, Draco, joined them on the 5th of June and Severus and Alecto's baby, Ally, joined them on the 9th of June. The days were filled with rushing here and there trying to find diapers, baby bottles and baby clothes. At one point Bella disappeared but they found her lying in the bed where they had left her. The nights were filled with sleepless parents lying, fully clothed, on their beds while the four children cried for Merlin knows what! The Dark Lord came to visit his godchild at least four times a week; letting her play with his wand and trying to teach her the killing curse.

Bellatrix POV

"My Lord," I said to Voldemort one day, "Bella will not start talking until about 9 months," 

"Ridiculous!" he exclaimed, "Utterly ridiculous!" and he left with a swift swish of his cape. Lucius came to see Ebony once a week. He would sit with Ebony on his lap and bounce her up and down exclaiming, "She's much better behaved than Draco!" Ebony would gaze up at him and smile now and again. I noticed when Lucius held Draco very different than when he held Ebony. He held Draco almost like he was a sack of potatoes that got thrown at him while he held Ebony like she was the most fragile thing in the world. 

The babies came quicker than expected so the nursery wasn't quite finished. The wallpaper wasn't up and the cribs were sitting in the corner in a disassembled mess. Severus had gone in there a few days ago and he hadn't come out for 6 days. When he did come out he told us, "Go in, you'll like it," We went in hesitantly. When we went in, the wallpaper was up, and the cribs were lined up against one wall with toys and books lining the other. We gasped and lay the babies down to rest in their cribs. We had chosen the best room possible for the nursery. There were three doors in the nursery, one was to mine and Rudolphouses room; the second was to Lucius and Narcissa's. The third was out into the corridor where Alecto and Snape had moved into the rooms beside each other. 

The babies slept a lot better now that they weren't being squished by the bodies of their parents. It was starting to get a lot hotter now. The summer weather was setting in. When we went into the nursery in the morning the babies always had kicked their blankets off and were crying because they were cold. There were a lot fewer Death Eater meetings now (they were already getting interrupted by two or three screaming babies). As the babies grew they were eating a lot more food so Lucius and Rudolphous went out on a lot more food runs leaving me with the twins. 

When the twins turned 6 months old, they started to sit up with a little help and had started to babble whenever someone would talk to them. It was the cutest thing!! Severus was at school when Ally turned 6 months old and Alecto had given Cissy the 'honour' of looking after the baby. Alecto spent her days killing muggles and what not and Cissy and I were stuck at home most days looking after the four babies. Some days Lucius and Rudolphous would take turns in looking after the babies and Cissy and I could go and do the Dark Lords work (though it was mainly me). I was always so tired after a day with Voldemort; I flopped into bed at the end of the day... and then one of the babies would cry... and I would remember. I did love them though, they were my beautiful girls. 

When they turned 1, I hired a babysitter to look after them because the Dark Lord was starting to have a lot of meetings and killing and torturing more muggles than ever before. The babysitter was told to stay out of sight and keep the babies quiet; she did and we paid her handsomely for it. It was good to finally be free of the crying, changing and feeding. Ebony said her first word at 11 months: ' mama' and Bella followed after with 'ugly' while looking at her godfather. The girls were growing in age while the Dark Lord was growing in strength and popularity. I spent a lot of time away from home and only saw the girls when I said a quick goodnight before leaving for bed. I slept soundly as the babysitter (who was now living at Malfoy Manor) looked after the children everything was wonderful.

Ebony: RUN BELLA!!!!

Bella: I AM!!!

Rudolphous and Bellatrix: GET BACK HERE!!!!!!!!!

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