Part 10

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By Ebony (Bella is too lazy and dyslexic to write anymore)

-- 11th BIRTHDAY --

Ebony POV

I woke up early on April 16th 1991. I didn't need to wake up Bella, she was sitting on the edge of her bed, watching me. 

"Happy Birthday!" she told me,

"Happy Birthday!" I replied. We opened the curtains and windows in the room and then went down to breakfast. Dobby had outdone himself this time. Not even Draco had this big of a feast for his birthday. There were bacon, eggs, sausages, waffles, pancakes, ice cream, whipped cream, berries and fruit of all kinds with warm drinking chocolate sitting in front of the large plates. Draco and Ally came down soon and gasped at the feast, when Lucius and Cissy came down they told us a happy birthday and then we sat down to eat. We ate for nearly a whole hour before the feast was all gone. Dobby came to me at the end and refilled both mine and Bella's drinking chocolate cups,

"For Dobby's clothes, Miss," Dobby told me. I smiled down at the elf,

"Thank you, Dobby," I replied. He sprinted back into the kitchen before Lucius could tell him off. Then we opened presents. From Ally the two of us got matching music boxes with little ballerina's, she told us they played if someone was listening to the conversation but wasn't meant to be. From Cissy, we got matching notebooks with quills and ink. Mine was deep purple and Bella's was dark blue. 

Bella POV

From Draco, we got an extra bottle of ink each, engraved on the bottle was 'Your my least hated cousins - Draco,' both Ebony and I took it as a compliment. From Lucius, we got green cardigans with a 'B' embroidered on mine and an 'E' embroider on Ebony's. Lucius looked as surprised as us at the present so I assumed that Cissy had chosen them instead. When we were about to head up to get changed Cissy stopped us,

"One last present," she told us. Ebony and I looked at each other, hoping for our Hogwarts letters, but instead, Cissy pulled out two black strips of leather, "Your mother made these for you when you were little," Cissy explained, "They are belts, but they had a smallholder for you wands, you can adjust them to the size of your wands and... you can wear them at Hogwarts," she passed them to us. Ebony admired hers and I did the same before running up the stairs to our room. Ebony joined me soon and scolded me for being rude and not thanking Cissy. 

Ebony had become quite the little lady in the time that I had been sick. She had been trying to teach me to sit up straight and mind my 'Ps and Qs' (whatever that meant!), I ignored her but she reminded me that when we turned 11 that we were meant to go to whatever parties or formal function that the Malfoys had. Before we had stayed in Allys or our room when Lucius or Cissy were having a party. I didn't like the idea of having to talk to adults. 

We changed quickly, both of us slipping the black belts over our skirts. I hated wearing skirts but Cissy told me that it would be 'improper to wear anything else and that 'the Malfoy's are a respected family' and she wouldn't have me 'tarnishing the Malfoy or Lestrange name' 🙄. We walked back downstairs where Cissy was waiting. 

Ebony POV

"Come on girls!" Cissy exclaimed as Bella and I walked down the stairs. We sat down at the table again and Dobby soon came in with the mail. He handed the mail to Lucius who flicked through the envelopes reading who it was addressed to,

"Narcissa, Me, Me, Narcissa, Bella, Ebony!" he exclaimed, "You have mail," I watched Bella wring her hands a few times before taking the letters that Lucius was giving her. I took my letter from Bella and opened it as politely as I could. Cissy had told me that I needed to be proper now that I was going to Hogwarts and she doubted that Bella would ever catch up to the politeness classes that she had been giving Ally and me while Bella was sick. Two pages of paper fell out of the opened envelope. I read them quickly. 

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