Chapter 12

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*This is the Old Version of the book, the new version will be posted after the final chapter of the old book.*

*3rd P.O.V*

"I thought you didn't care about me..." Victoria muttered, her words barely audible. Eric was taken aback, he never knew what Victoria was feeling when he spent long days at the office. After his first mate died, he kept himself locked up in his office. He hardly came out and he hardly slept. Now, he had Victoria but it had become his habit to stay long hours locked up in his office. It was taking him time to adjust.

Before Victoria, he never had to worrry about anyone else because they all had their mates to worry about them. So it had slipped Eric's mind to worry about Victoria. Even though he spent half the time daydreaming about her.

Eric suddenly stopped, causing Victoria to slam into his back. They had entered the forest 10 minutes ago and Eric insisted to keep it a surprise.

"What makes you think that?" Eric softly and lovingly asked Victoria, gently cupping her face. Victoria shivered from the tingles that spread through her when her skin came in contant with Eric's but she kept her head low, worried she had ruined the surprise date.

"You were almost never home, and I hardly talked to you these past two weeks. I thought you..." Victoria said, her voice muffled and a little choked from holding back the tears forming in her eyes. She was determined not to be viewed as weak, not to be taken as a person who pities herself all the time. She was strong and this was one of the things that didn't catch her by surprise.

"That's not true, my sweet mate, I care about you, a lot. When my first mate died, I felt as if I had lost a part of me. I refused to talk to anyone, to see anyone, I kept myself locked up in my office. I never had anyone to worry or care about. My parents had each other, my sister had her mate. I never had to worry if they were alright or eating properly. Now that you are here I finaly have someone to care for, to spoil and to worry about. I love you Tori, never forget that. These habits are hard to get rid off but I'm trying. I'm trying to leave my office and come home to a lovely cooked meal by my sweet mate. To hold her in my arms and protect her from the world. I'm trying Tori, please give me a chance to prove myself." By the end, Eric had tears in his eyes, his love for Victoria was far greater than anyone else had imagined. Victoria was his life, his heart, his only reason to breathe, eat, love and live. Without Victoria, Eric was nobody.

Victria was shocked with what Eric told her. She loved him, that she was sure off but she never knew how much she actually meant to him. She never knew how Eric felt or that everyday for him was a battle with himself.

"I-" Victoria started but was cut off by a heartbroken Eric. He knew that it was too good to be true. "It's okay I get it. I mean why would I even pretend? Why would the moon godess pair up such an amazing person as my mate.I don't even des-" This time Victoria was the one to cut off Eric by slamming her lips on his.

"I love you too dork." Victoria grinned like an insane person. Instant relief flooded through Eric and he grinned, catching onto her playfull mood. "Of course you do, I mean I am pretty hot." Eric said with a cheeky grin before someone suddenly fell from the tree behind Eric. That person happened to be Riely. Eric and Victoria stared gobsmacked at Riely whose expression was somewhere between disgusted and awed.

They heard three deep sighs before Eric's parents came out from behind the trees and Adam jumped down from the same tree Riely jumped from. They all were a bit sentimental from hearing Eric's feelings towards everything and awed from hearing the meant-to-be couple exchange their I-love-you's. With a sigh and a dejected shake of her head, Eric's mother- Elizabeth muttered "And my son definitely gets his ego from his father." To which she earned amused looks from everyone except Eric and his father- Richard.

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