Chapter 1

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I am now at the Secret Auction, with my dad. The item being auctioned now is...

"A young, healthy japanese woman." The auctioneer roared.
"WHAT?!" I was taken aback. This is human trafficking. This is freaking illegal. How could Ichinomiya do this?

Ah, right. She can't be auctioned unless she consented this.

"Keep her as your slave, keep her as a toy..."

"Do whatever you please with her... it's truly up to you."

"And now we'll start the bidding."

"I have $500,000 from #7. $700,000 from #23. $1.5 million from #45."

"Oh no, what if she was sold to number 7?" I asked myself, panicking.

I raised my number with my bid. My number was 16.

"$3 million from #16. $5.5 million from #7. Do we have 6 million? Going once, going twi-" the auctioneer stopped, and a smile spreaded across his face

"$20 million from #64! We have a winner!" The auctioneer shouted, clapping.

"Please claim your prize backstage."

The birdcage was being carried away. That poor girl. I wish I could've done something to help her.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Dad asked.

"What will happen to that girl? Do you think she will be... taken advantage of?"

My dad turned his head back to the stage. "I'm sorry, my daughter. But I clearly don't know."

I hung my head, and leaned back.

I was too busy thinking about the girl that I didn't know the auction has ended.

"Dad, can I go home?" I pleaded. "Are you sure, sweetie? The party hasn't ended yet."

"Yes, dad. I wanna rest."

"If you want to... then," he pulled out his cellphone from his pocket, and dialed someone.

"Okay, pick her up at the entrance." my dad ended the call, and turned to me. "Wait by the entrance. Rein will pick you up."

"Okay," I said, glumly. I walked away, leaving the hot, stuffy room.

As I was walking, I noticed there was that girl again. She was spying on a room? Oh, it's just Soryu and some people.

"Um... excuse me." I tapped her shoulder, which startled her.

"Ah! Uh... I... is there anything you want, ma'am?"

"Oh, please don't call me ma'am. I'm Yukan Hajizen, daughter of Kazaru Hajizen. But you can call me Yukan. What's your name?"

"I'm Rui Udewa. Pleasure to meet you." (So Rui is the girl that was auctioned in the original KBTBB. And Yukan is the MC here and in KBTBB. She's just in a different lifestyle. SHE'S STILL THE MC!!!)

"So, Rui, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Um... I... was just wandering around when I saw some men talking."

"Okay, so who have you been sold to?"

Her eyes widened in surprise. Is this because I knew about it, or is it because she remembered she was sold?

"Um... he's.... uh..."

"He? So who is this 'he'? I asked.

"Eisuke Ichinomiya."

"Speaking of which, here he is, coming for you."

Eisuke narrowed his eyes, and pulled Rui close to him. "Don't talk to her. You might get influenced by that coquettish woman." Eisuke glared at me.

Apparently, he has this idea of me being a flirt-which I am not. But that's not up to me to say. I just know that to myself. I don't care if people say I'm coquettish, because I am truly not. He thinks of me that way, because he ONCE saw me making out with a guy. It was a misunderstanding. The guy was drunk, so he kissed me. I was about to push him away, when Eisuke saw us. And he saw me walking with some hot models, so he thought I was one of them. I just happened to pass by. But I don't care what he thinks of me.

"Okay, if that's what Mr. ICHINOMIYA wants, so be it." I said.

They both turned around, but Rui mouthed "Bye"-which a warm smile formed on my mouth as a reply-before walking away.

I went down to the lobby, and Rein was waiting for me. Rein is our butler.

"Good evening, miss Hajizen."

"Stop it, Rein. I told you to just call me Yukan."

He bowed his head, and said, "I am sorry miss Hajizen." His eyes widened, then he clapped his hand on his mouth.

"And stop being formal too. We're at the same age."


"No buts!" I said, then broke out into laughter.

Rein smiled, and opened the car door.

"Thanks dude," I said, punching him slightly on the chest.

"Sure..." he said, rubbing the part where I punched.

A/N: Sorry if the story is bad, I'm still having a writer's block. Please understand. But I still hope you enjoyed this. Please give this a vote/comment. And please follow me. Tnx for reading XD

Thanks for all your support!!!

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