Nate felt pretty proud of himself. He stood up to Coach John and won (again).
Not to mention that math class went by pretty quickly, mainly because Nate laughed along with Mr. Staples' jokes, much to his ex-friends' dismay and annoyance.
Then Science class came.
Mr. Galvin was in the middle of instructions on the upcoming field trip next week.
"Remember kids: we are NOT going to the museum to goof off, we are going there to LEARN," Mr. Galvin told to the class.
The class groaned. Randy cheered.
Everyone looked at Randy like crazy. So did Mr. Galvin.
"Umm, Randy...why is that exactly a good thing?" Chad asks in confusion.
"Because I'm trying to make any negative situation and make it a positive outcome or occasion!" Randy replied with glee.
Mr. Galvin looked at Nate for a bit then straightened up a bit and placed his hands on his face buried in it for a moment or two, then asked Nate:
"What in the heaven's name are you talking about?"
"...well, the museum sounds like an interesting place to go to and I can't wait to see what they have there! Oh! They might have all KINDS of fossils or rocks there! I can't wait!" Randy responded.
Everyone stared at Randy.
"'re such a jerk," Dee Dee responded with shock and disgust.
"...anyway, back to the instructions. Once we are at the museum, you will be assigned with a partner. Be sure to have the worksheet that the answers have at the museum done by the time it's time to go," Mr. Galvin announced.
After the official announcement, Mr. Galvin then assigned lab partners to the class. And you would probably guess who Nate gets assigned to.
Yup, you guessed it: It's Kim Cressly. The girl that Gina insulted earlier. Not to mention, she's a big girl and has a HUGE crush on Nate. And she made Nate ESPECIALLY uncomfortable.
"When you are done, I'm ready to cuddle," Kim said to Nate in her normal mode as if nothing happened.
" thanks. I have no intention of getting together. Sorry," Nate replied back.
"Let's cuddle. NOW!" Kim ordered rudely.
Nate didn't want to be bothered right now by Kim, but he had to comply with Kim's request.
And Nate did (much to his own uncomfortably).
Randy saw his new best friend getting all the unwanted attention from a fat girl that is like a thorn a the back that wouldn't go away. So without anyone looking, Randy got up, went walking up to Kim's stool while acting like he was tripping, and-
Trip! CRASH!
Kim immediately burst into tears. And Mr. Galvin rushed over to Kim, helped her up and said:
"Hang on. I'll get you to the doctor."
"My arm! MY ARM!" Kim bawled her eyes out.
Mr. Galvin led Kim out of the classroom as everyone else looked on in shocked silence.
Randy helped Nate up.
"You okay?" Randy asks.
"Yeah," Nate replied.
Nobody said a word to each other until Mr. Galvin came back a few minutes later.
"Sorry about that, guys. I don't know WHAT happened, but would someone like to tell me?" Mr. Galvin asked the class.
The California Adventure
AdventureNate discovers that he might be moving to California. What will happen then? Based on the book Blasts Off. Will have crossovers with Killing Eve and if requested, other crossover characters and tv shows too.