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Mia woke up the next morning to an empty bed. She figured that Trent had already gone to training as it was already 10am. She jumped out of bed and got a shower before changing into one of Trent's hoodies and some leggings. She dried her hair before putting it up into a cute messy bun and did her skin care routine. Mia didn't put any makeup on today as she wasn't going anywhere and she didn't want her skin to break out for no reason.

She grabbed her phone off of her bedside table and made her way downstairs. She wandered into the kitchen to get herself some tea when she saw a note on the kitchen island. These notes always made her smile. Every since they had gotten engaged whenever Trent had to leave early for training and he was up before Mia he would write her a note for when she woke up. They always talked about how much he loved her and missed her and honestly it made Mia's day.

Mia, baby

Good morning my princess. I hope you have a good day but it can't be that good because I'm not there. I miss you so much eventhough I'm writing this while you are literally a couple feet away from me but I know I'll miss you when I get to training. I can't wait to come home and cuddle you and kiss you. I love you my bubba

Lots and lots and lots of love,

Trent xxxxx

Mia smiled to herself at the words Trent had wrote on the paper. Although Trent had caused butterflies in her stomach she had this strange feeling in her gut. Ever since Perrie had told her that Trent wanted a baby she couldn't stop thinking about it. Was it true? Surely if it was Trent would have mentioned something about it to her.

Mia decided to push it to a side and she would talk to Trent about it once he got home. She poured herself a cup of tea before sitting down in the front room and put netflix on. 

She scrolled through all the different options but nothing was to her fancy so she just settled for friends. It was Mia's go to option when there was nothing else on. She got comfty on the couch with a blanket and her tea before pressing play. 

She watched a couple episodes. She laughed, she cried. Friends just got better everytime round she watched it. Mia was on her 9th episode when she heared Trent's car pull up in the drive way. A couple moments later, he walked through the front door and into the living room.

Trent walked over to Mia and kissed her before putting his training bag away and taking his shoes off. He walked back into the living room and sat down next to Mia, cuddled up under the blanket.

"How was your day?" he asked when he kissed her again.

"It was okay. Didn't do much thought," she replied.

He placed his lips to her temple and kissed her before resting his head ontop of hers as they sat cuddled up watching friends.

An hour passed and Mia knew she had to talk to Trent about the baby situation. It was now of never.


He replied with a simple hmm before turning to look at her. "What's up?"

"I need to tell you something," she slowly said.

A look of pure panic spread across his face. Mia could see all the bad thoughts flash in his eyes and she let out a small chuckle. She took his hand in hers before saying," Don't worry. It's nothing bad."

Trent let out a breath and relaxed a little bit as he rested his head against Mia's chest.

"What did you want to tell me then?"

Mia took a deep breath before just coming out with it.

"When I was on the phone to Perrie the other day we was talking about how the baby was doing and stuff and then she kinda tole me that you had said you wanted a baby." Mia talked alot more slowly as she neared the end of her setence having to process it again.

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