Mia had invited Perrie and Delilah over to watch the boy's match. They had arrived at aroud 5pm ready for kick off at 8pm. They had ordered a Chinese as none of them wanted to cook and it was just easier.
Mia payed the delivery driver before bringing the bags of food into the kitchen where Perrie was getting the plates and cups out of the cupboards. They dished out the food and Perrie made Delilah some milk before heading back into the living room and turning the channel the football was on tonight on.
"I can't believe how much Delilah has grown. How old is she now?" Mia asked as she dug into her food.
"Just over two months old. It's gone so fast," Perrie replied as she watched Delilah play on her play mat.
"I can't wait for my bubba to be here," Mia said as she craddled her tiny bump.
"Me too. Then we can have play dates and I'll get to see you more."
"Yeah. We don't hang out as much as we used to."
"Well we did live together," she laughed. "But still. I miss my little sister."
"I miss my big sister," Mia said as Perrie brought her in for a hug.
"Are you finding out the gender?" Perrie asked as she took another bite of her food.
"We was gonna do a gender reaveal with our family and friends. We was hoping maybe you and Alex could sort it out?" Mia asked shyly.
"Of course we will. When is your next scan?"
"Not for a couple of weeks so you won't need to do anything until after the wedding," Mia told her.
"Omg," Perrie screamed as she jumped up from the couch.
"You get married next week."
"Yeah I know," Mia chuckled.
"I can't believe it. I thought there was still at least a month but no more like 4 days. That's so excited. I get to see my little sister walk down the isle," Perrie said clapping her hands together.
"About that."
Mia cleared her throat before turning to look at Perrie.
"I was wondering if you would ask Alex to walk me down the isle. He's like a big brother to me and for the past five years he's always looked out for me. With dad not coming for obvious reasons he's probably the closest thing I have to family there, besides you of course. So will you ask him?" Mia asked nervously.
"Of course I will."
Perrie took Mia's hands in hers.
"And I know it's gonna be tough. Not having mom and dad there. But they chose to be the awful parents they are so they don't deserve to be at your big day. They don't deserve be apart of your beautiful babies life when they weren't there for you. So don't let them ruin your day because otherwise they've won and we don't want that."
Mia shook her head before wiping away the few tears that escaped her eyes. Uhh hormones. The girls were just enjoying their meals when they heard a huge roar of screams come from the tv. Looks like the games about to starts.
Both teams walked out onto the pitch and shook hands before getting into position. The captains of both teams met in the middle before the game started.
Possession was shared equally between both teams causing it to be 0-0 at half time. During the quick 15 minute break both girls went to the bathroom and got a refill of their drinks before coming back for the second half.

Edwards 2 | Trent Alexander - Arnold
Romance(Sequel to Edwards) Mia and Trent have been together for just over a year and a half and they're getting married. Hopefully everything goes to plan. Hopefully. #1- mrandmrs #1- 66 #1- trent #1- premierleague #1- arnold #1- taa #1- ynwa #1- liverpool...