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"It's your wedding day," Perrie shouted as she opened the curtains to their hotel room and shaking Mia awake.

"Yes it is," Mia replied with a huge grin on her face. She had been looking forward to this day ever since Trent got down on one knee and proposed to her and it was finally here. She was finally getting married to the love of her life.

"Morning sweetie. Are you okay?" Dianne said as she walked into the room and hugged Mia. She also had a huge smile on her face

"Yeah are you?" she said to her soon to be mother in law as Perrie brought the dresses into the room ready for later.

"Yeah. I can't wait for you to be my daughter in law. Me and Michael love you so much and we can't wait for you to be apart of the family officially. I've never seen Trent so happy. We never thought he would settle down. He just didn't seem like the type but now he's getting married and has a baby on the way. We owe you so much Mia."

"Aww don't you're gonna make me cry," Mia said as she wiped her eyes. "You don't owe me anything. Trent and your family accepting me and loving me is plenty. I can't wait for you to be my mum."

Dianne brought Mia into another hug and handed her a tissue to wipe her eyes on. They all made their way into the huge suite where the rest of the girls were waiting for them. This hotel room was huge. Mia wondered how much it cost but she knew Trent would never tell her.

"So what would you like for your wedding day breakfast bride to be," Jade said as she handed Mia the menu for them too look through.

The girls just ordered one of everything not really knowing what to pick. A couple minutes later room service came to the door and placed all of the food inside their room. There was everything from a fruit platter to many different types of egg. Mia never knew there was so many ways to cook an egg. She just had some toast and fruit and washed it down with orange juice as she was too nervous and excited to eat.

The girls all sat down and started to eat, laughing and joking as they did. Half way through their eating there was a light knock on the door. Dianne stood up and opened it letting three girls inside the room.

"Ah Ellie thank you so much for coming," Mia hugged the girl. Ellie was one of her old friends from collage who had agreed to do Mia's hair and makeup for the wedding. They hadn't seen eachother since Mia went to university but they still talked to eachother over the phone.

"No problem Mia. It's my pleasure. So bride to be, shall we start getting you ready for your big day?" she asked as Mia smiled and sat down on the couch with the other girls.

Ellie got three chairs out for the girls to sit down on. She had brought along two of her colleagues to help her out. Mia, Perrie and Dianne sat down first for the girls to work on. They did their makeup first. Only light as Mia wanted them to look as natural as possible as they were all so beautiful already. They then started working on their hair. Mia just had hers curled while the others went for something a little more fancy as they didn't want to be too hot all day.

As Mia was getting her hair done there was another knock at the door. Perrie went and got it as her hair and makeup was now done and soon came back with a bouquet of flowers in her hand.

"I believe these are for you," she said as she handed Mia the flowers and went to go and get changed into her dress.

"He is so cute," Mia said as she read the note he had left her.

Mia my beautiful girl,

I can't wait to marry you later today and see you in that gorgeous dress. I love you so much and I can't wait for you to me mine forever.

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