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"Have you got everything sorted?" Perrie asked Mia as they added the finishing touches to the decoration.

"Yep everything looks perfect," Mia replied.

The girls had spent majority of the day decorating the place where Trents party was being held. The place was huge so it took a while.

It was now around 8pm and Mia and Perrie had finally finished the decorations. Perrie was picking up the cake tomorrow and bringing it with her when her and Alex arrived.

"I best get going. Trents probably wondering where I am."

The sisters said their goodbyes and Mia made her way outside and began driving home.

"Hey baby," Trent said when Mia walked into the house.

"Hey," she replied placing a peck on his lips.

"How was your day?"

"It was good. Nice to have a proper catch up with Pez. What did you do?"

"Not much. Just played fifa with Marc and Tyler. Ate, showered, watched tv. The usual."

"Well what would you like for dinner?" Mia asked as she began to look through the cupboard.

After debating for a while because of how indecisive Mia was they finally decided on cheese and tomato pasta with garlic bread.

Mia put the pasta in the pan of boiling water before getting to work on the sauce.

After 20 minutes everything was cooked and ready to eat. Mia quickly changed into something a bit more comfortable and sat down at the table next to Trent.

"So what restaurant are we going to tomorrow?" he asked as he tucked into his pasta.

"Just some Italian restaurant. Perrie and Alex suggested it. They said that they went and it was really good," Mia lied.

"Is it a fancy place?" he asked. Mia knew he didnt like dressing up or wearing suits.

"No I dont think so. I might wear a dress though. Make myself feel pretty."

"Hey you're always pretty. You're my absolutely stunning wife and baby mama."

Trent cupped both of her cheeks in his hands causing her to drop her fork and look at him. He slowly brought her in for a kiss. It was passionate and gentle.

Mia gentle bit his bottom lip as she pulled away making him pull her back in harder. Trent slowly ran his tongue along her lips asking for entrance but she denied it.

Mia slowly pulled away leaving Trent sexually frustrated before going back to eating her food.

After dinner, Trent washed away the plates and made his way upstairs where Mia was waiting for him in their bed.

He climbed under the duvet and wrapped his arms around Mias waist placing his hands on her bump.

"I love you babe," she let out in a gentle whisper.

"I love you too," Trent replied.

He placed a kiss to the top of her head before falling to sleep.

"Trent wake up," Mia said as she shook his shoulders.

"What's wrong. Is it the baby," he mumbled still half asleep.

"No dummy. Happy birthday hubby," Mia chuckled.

Trent let out a small groan before sitting up in bed and opening his eyes. He looked around the room to see balloons and banners all over the wall and a stack of presents in the corner of the room.

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