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I always wondered what it was like to die. Do we just start a new life? Is there an afterlife? Where do we even go?

When I regained consciousness, or I think I did, I couldn't move. I only heard the sound of my heart pounding in my ears, it felt like my whole body was moving with the sound.

And then it went quiet. And it was dark. And I couldn't feel anything. It was just a black void.

Nothing but me. Nothing but the memories from my past life. Nothing but the memories I remembered. Nothing but the feeling of wanting to go back and see my friends again.

And just as it started, it ended. I heard voices around me. Echoing at every angle, bringing me back to life.

I gasped and I was finally able to open my eyes. I was leaned against Wilbur, and everyone was around me.

"Are you okay?" Tubbo placed his hand on chin and scanned my face. "You can hear me? You can see me right?"

"I'm," My mouth felt so dry, "I'm okay." I grabbed Tubbo's arm and he helped me up. "That was weird, but I remember everything."

And like before, I felt my heart beating. My eyes looked up at everyone.

I know them!

"I remember everything!" I smile and threw myself at Tubbo. He started laughing and I went to pull everyone else into the hug. "I remember you guys." My voice was shaky but I was so happy.

"So you really remember everything?" Tommy asked.

I nodded, my smile bigger than ever.

"I remember how shit you are at archery."

His smile dropped before hugging me again. "It's so good to have you back n/n!"

Wilbur slammed a chest closed ruining the mood.

"We're in the middle of war, we can't just go in guns and blazing." Wilbur said walking towards us. "The element of surprise is needed."

Everyone's attention turned towards him.

Wilbur. We used to stay up all night talking. He talked about wanting a better life. A better tomorrow. He was the first person to greet me when I first came to the smp.

"Sorry to ruin the mood but we have to fight." He slammed his hands down on the table. "We have to fight the L'manberg way. And do any of you know how that is?"

I glanced at everyone, seeing their faces made my heart flutter. It's been so long since I was with them. But I was finally back. I came back home.

"We have to talk to them. We lull them into a false sense of security, and that's when," He paused and looked at me.

I remember his eyes. They were always so comforting to look at.

"We stab them in back."

I glanced at Eret, them already looking at me.

Eret. They seemed so loyal to us. She was loyal to any of her friends. Was what I heard in the forest even him?

"We stab em'." Tommy said with a giggle. "In the eyes."

Wilbur held up the book he pulled from the chest. "The Declaration of Independance. Our most valued posses-"

"Wilbur." Tommy and Tubbo were looking out the window. "They're surrounding us."

The mood of the room dropped. It was as if the realization of the war hit everyone.

War. That's what Dream was talking about before I disappeared. That's what Sapnap didn't want to tell me. Dream wanted me on his side to fight against them.

DEVADE [smp war - COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now