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It seemed like Tommy and I were running forever. The world around me seemed to be going in slow motion, every step I took made me question myself even more.

Who am I? Who even are these people? Why am I fighting beside people I have no knowledge of? I just joined them and didn't question anything. What was I thinking?

Tommy's screams pulled me out of my daze. I saw an arrow fly by me, they were chasing us. Tommy was on the verge of crying, I couldn't run anymore. Another arrow was shot, this time almost hitting head.

I pulled Tommy inside the L'manberg walls and continued pulling him until he was safe in the van. I closed the door behind me and slid down to the ground.

Eret, Fundy, and Tubbo were all waiting inside, arranging the small bit amour they've collected. Tommy was beside me on the ground, we were both out of breath probably from almost dying.

"We're here, we made it, we're okay." Tommy said, talking to himself.

"Do you guys have the supplies?" I stood up and took a glance out the window, "They're here and they're surrounding L'manberg."

"I've collected a couple of items for everyone." Tubbo started passing around pieces of armour to everyone. He handed me a chest plate and I held it up. It was barely hanging on by a thread.

"Tubbo," Tommy held up the pants and chest plate Tubbo handed him, "the durability on this couple be a little better, but it'll do."

"Fundy and I can go collect as many materials as we can while we wait for Wilbur," Eret said putting on his helmet.

"Yes yes, Y/n, Tubbo, and I will try our best to defend L'manberg while you're gone." We all finished putting on the bit of amour and Fundy and Eret left.

Oh god, we're gonna die.


We've been sitting in the van, trying not to cry our hearts. There was a silence looming over us.

"We'll make it out of this guys." I tried to lighten up the mood, or at least give them hope. "Yes, this is scary. Yes, nobody knows what they're doing, but you'll all be alive by the end of it."

"Y/n," Tubbo stood up from his seat and went through his bag. "Wilbur asked me a few days after you took that potion, to try and recreate it, and make it stronger." He pulled out a small vial filled with a white silvery liquid. "I did it."

"Is that.."

Wilbur walked into the room, followed by Eret and Fundy.

"What is that?" Wilbur signified at the potion.

"Tubbo did it." I looked back at the potion in Tubbo's hand.

This could make everything make sense again. I won't be lost anymore.

"Are you going to take it? Right now?"

"No better time right." I joked. "Are you sure this won't kill me?" I took the small white vial Tubbo was handing me and glanced back at him.

"I'm pretty sure it won't." Tubbo confirmed, "I tried it out on some chickens. They all just passed out and woke up again like nothing."

My heart was beating fast. I reached for the top of the vial and held it closer to my mouth. I looked up at everyone,

"Here goes nothing."

I tilted my head back, dumping the white liquid down my throat. It felt like acid was running down my throat. My throat was closing in, my hands went numb and I dropped the vials hearing a small thump.

"Y/n? are you okay?"

The room started spinning and I felt someone on my side. Their voice seems distant and distorted. I couldn't breath.

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