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"Okay. so then you'll add some blaze powder into these three." Tubbo said sprinkling the powder on top of the brewing stand. "Glowstone helps the potion, so I add some too."

Tubbo reached for the glowstone and added it on top, "And that's how you make a strength potion." The liquid went from a dark red to a softer red.

"Can you switch the bottles while I put these away." Tubbo said, turning around. I grabbed the new bottles and filled them with water before putting them into the brewing stands.

"Who taught you how to make potions?" I asked Tubbo as they handed me the blaze powder.

"I had a friend named Y/n. She taught me everything."

I nodded and continued making the potions.

Wait Y/n-

I stopped for a second, panicking at the mention of the name, "Um, I've heard Tommy mention that name before." I grabbed the glowstone powder and handled Tubbo the blaze powder.

"Oh really! Tommy hasn't talked about her since her death." They said their face softening a bit.

Keep my identity hidden from everyone. Including your men.

"Oh, I'm sorry" I responded trying to seem as clueless and sorry as I could.

"Yeah about a year ago." They seem to quiet down. "Her death was weird though," Tubbo said taking the last six potions and putting them into the chest. They grabbed a couple of invisibility potions and stuffed them into their bag.

"What do you mean?" Tubbo handed me one of the potions. We both began to walk out of the van, and to the exit of L'manberg.

"Well, she was missing first. We spent months looking for her, and one day before we went out to look for her." They paused as we passed the L'manberg wall. "Dream told us she was dead. And we buried an empty casket." I looked at Tubbo, immediately feeling guilty for making him talk about this.

"That isn't very weird, maybe they found her but didn't want anyone to see it." I cringe at what I said.

"No, that's not the weird part. The thing is, you showed up a year after her funeral, and you sound a lot like her too." Tubbo said we were closer to Tommy's house.

My eyes widened and tried coming up with an excuse.

"That's pretty weird, but I don't know who Y/n is," I bit my lip under my mask and looked away from Tubbo. "She sounds nice. I wish I would've met her though."

Tubbo smiled at me "She was the bes-"

They were cut off and I felt them grab my hand before disappearing. I pulled out my sword, but my hand was pulled back.

Out of reflex I lifted up my right leg and kicked whoever was behind me in the crotch. I heard a whine and the hand that held me let me go. I turned around pulling out my sword, but nobody was behind me. I looked around nervously, gripping my sword.

Then I felt a strong force pull my hand down, I fell face first and my sword was grabbed out of my hand. I pulled my mask up, since it was falling a bit, and turned around kicking whoever was attacking me.

I heard a small thump and a groan next to me. Whoever took Tubbo and whoever is attacking me was invisible. In the distance, I heard Tubbo's cry for help. I took this as an opportunity to run. K grabbed my sword and ran towards the direction I heard Tubbo from.

"Punz! Sapnap! What are you guys doing? Where's the other person?" I heard a voice yell.

Why is that voice so familiar?

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