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"Y/n! Get the three zombies behind you." A taut voice yelled.

I turned around, dragging my sword against the three corpses. I steady my stance, an arrow shot right next to me, barely hitting me. I held my shield up and started walking back.

The mobs were piling too quickly for me and I was being cornered. I glance down at my shield, it was breaking. I took another step back and I felt my foot slip.

I yelped and looked back, I was at the edge of a cliff. I couldn't back up anymore, there were too many mobs.

"Dream help!" I screamed.

There were swords clinging before the same voice yelled again, "Sapnap! George! GO!"

I looked beyond the mobs and saw a trio running towards me, they were killing off the mobs surrounding me.

All of a sudden I heard glass break and a small cloud of green surround my shield, creeping up my hand. My hand felt on fire, I dropped the shield and gripped my forearm.

My shield was taken by the mods and a zombie's hand grabbed me. I pushed them off and I fell... off the cliff.

I reached up hoping I could grab onto something. My eyes connecting with Dream's, his fingertips brushed against mine but I continued to fall.

I fell into the trees, all of my body slamming against the branches. I landed on the ground, my head landing the hardest. I felt breathless and I couldn't move. Everything hurt too much. I couldn't hear anything either, everything was being overpowered by a buzzing sound echoing in my head.

There were three voices yelling. But I couldn't make out what they were saying. My whole body ached and I let out a groan.  I wanted to cry, I wanted to sleep.  Just close my eyes and let the pain go away. and that's what I did.

I woke up on a bed. I was in a small wooden house. There were a chest and chair next to me. A cup of water on top of the chest.

I sat up from the bed, my shoes were off, all my cuts were cleaned off and I had clean clothes on.

"My sword, my bow where are they?" I look around the small room. There was nothing here, I check the chest and it was only filled with carrots and a wooden pickax.

I grabbed the pickax and walk near the door. I place my hand in the dark doorknob and started turning it. Before I could open it, it swung open itself.

I screamed and swung the pickax at whoever was in front of me.

"Woah Woah, it's okay! I'm not going to hurt you." A silvery voice said.

A villager was standing in front of the door with bread and milk. I lowered the pickax, the villager slowly walked up to me. They placed the bread and milk on top of the chest.

"It's okay, look I'm not going to hurt you." The villager put their hands out as a shield. "Here" They picked up the bread. "You going to energy after the long fall you had. You need to eat."

I took the bread from them.

"Do you mind telling me your name?" They placed their hands down and backed up against a wall.

"I'm Y/n." I took a bite from the bread. "Who are you?" I took another bite out of the bread, finishing it quickly.

"My name's Niko. We're in the village of Orla." They picked up the milk and handed it to me. "I saw you fall off the cliff and I went to help you."

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