Chapter 16

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Why am I not surprised that my father reached out to Eva and not me? He always seems to prefer to have her be our middle-woman as oppose to speaking to me directly. I usually don't mind it, but this time it got on my nerves. Father man up and face me.

I look at Eva, trying very hard not to show her how annoyed I am right now. "We're going home in three weeks, why?"

"You're birthday is coming up."

I totally forgot about that. I sort of lost track of time here on Earth.

"But I don't want to go back," I whisper. "If only I could run away."

Eva's lips curve up on the sides forming a small smile. "Good luck with that. Your father most likely will hunt you down and drag you back."

I glare at her. "Don't bring up my father. I don't want to hear his name ever again. He wouldn't even reach out to his own daughter to discuss all these matters. He's no father to me."

She opens her mouth to speak, but I go and cut her off. Not giving her much of a choice. "I need to get out of here. I saw some food places out on the boardwalk, I'm going to grab my things and we'll go."

I rush off to my room and grab my side-bag. My compact mirror lies on the dresser beckoning me. Ignoring it, I perch my sunglasses in my hair and head out.

Eva is already waiting at the door, Leo's leash in her hand and her own bag swung over her shoulder.

"Let's get out of here," I say, marching out the door. Eva and Leo fall into step behind me.


I eye the bacon-topped salad before me, my mouth watering. Poking a tomato with my fork, I place it into my mouth, beginning to chew.

Leo nudges my foot and I toss him a piece of bacon.

"I'm going to miss Earthen food," Eva says as she bites into her avocado sandwich.

"Same. I'm also going to miss this lack of responsibility. In three weeks, I'm going to have to return to my role as a princess." I groan, poking another tomato. "I'm seriously dreading it."

"The only choice is making the time we do have here count."

I smile. "Sounds like a grand idea to me."

Eva continues to take small bites from her sandwich and I quickly finish off my salad, starting on my chocolate milkshake for dessert.

Leo barks impatiently as we eat, and I notice the waiter giving us a dirty look. He wasn't too happy when we showed up at his clean and tidy cafe with a pet.

"The waiter is giving us the dirty eye again. I'm going to wait outside with Leo while you finish up," I whisper to Eva.

"Ok, I'll be done in a minute."

I take hold of Leo's leash and lead him outside to the boardwalk. Leaning on the railing, I pull out my phone to see that I received a text from Tanner.

Hey beautiful! The waves today are amazing! Wanna come join me for a surf??

I type back. Thanks for the offer, but today I'm going to spend time with Eva. I try to think of that Earthen word I've heard before in movies. Oh right. Raincheck?  I then press send.

A moment later I receive his response. Sure. Enjoy your day! See ya around :)

I slip my phone back into my shorts pocket just as Eva steps out of the cafe, iced coffee cup in hand.

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