Chapter 20

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I knew it! I knew Kent was into Eva. And now they're both out together. I'm happy for them, truly I am. Now, if I am right about it being a date, my bestie won't be single anymore.

I'm busy braiding my hair when Tanner texts me. Got plans for the day?
I tie off the braid before responding. Not much. Was planning on taking Leo for a walk. Want to join?

My phone buzzes a few seconds later. Wow, does he type fast. Would love to :)

I smile, typing back. Great, meet you at Starbucks in fifteen mins?

Sounds good. See ya soon!!

I slip my phone into my bejeweled pocket and then quickly do my makeup. Pink eyeshadow, lipstick, and many layers of mascara. All set.

Grabbing my bag, I head out, Leo's leash in hand.

Tanner is already waiting in line when I enter the store. He waves to me and I join him.

"Hey, buddy." He grins broadly, patting a happy Leo on the head. He then turns to me, giving me a wink. "And hello, Beautiful."

I say nothing as the line begins to move forward. Soon we are the ones standing right before the barista, whose name I forgot.

"What can I get you?" he asks.

I look behind him at the chalkboard menu hanging on the wall. "Can I please get a S'mores Frappuccino."

"Sure, coming right up," he states kindly. "And what can I get you?" he asks Tanner.

"I'll take a cold brew coffee, thanks."

It takes a few minutes for our drinks to be made. With my Frappuccino in one hand and Leo's leash in the other, we head out, making our way towards the boardwalk and beach.

Leo sees a few dogs on the way and barks excitedly at them, tugging on his leash. I struggle to keep my grip on it.

"Looks like he wants to make some friends," Tanner states.

"Yeah, seems so," I say, holding onto Leo's leash for dear life.

We walk onto the beach, sand getting caught in my sandals. I slip them off, placing them into my bag. I then unhook Leo from his leash, allowing him to run around freely.

He sees a cute puppy with a pink bow tied around her neck and they begin to run around together, yipping happily.

I sit down in the sand and Tanner plops down right beside me, his leg brushing against mine. "Look he made a friend already."

I smile. "Yeah, he sure did." I then find my smile flipping over into a frown. "I really am going to miss this place, especially you and Leo."

Tanner wraps his arm around my shoulder, and I lean my head on his. "You'll keep in touch, won't you?"

"Of course," I lie. I know it won't be possible. Once I'm back home, I'll have no way of ever reaching him.

"And once your father is doing better, you can come visit." The smile on his face is so bright, it can blind you.

"For sure," I lie again. I doubt father would ever let me return to this place. When I'm back on Mars, I'll be home for good.

"Then there's nothing to worry about," he says, giving my shoulder a little squeeze. "This is not a goodbye. We can talk and video call, so I can see that gorgeous face and smile of yours, and you can see how well Leo and I are doing."

I keep in the tears that are beginning to overflow in my eyes. "Sounds like a great plan to me."

Tanner smiles, planting a kiss on the top of my head. "Glad you agree."

We sit like this for some time, watching the waves lap at the earth, while Leo runs around with his new friend.

Soon the other dog's owner walks off, Leo's friend along with her.

Leo drags his tail behind him as he comes over to us. Poor pup is broken-hearted.

"Looks like he's missing his little girlfriend," Tanner frowns as he strokes Leo's fur, trying to cheer the sad puppy.

"He'll get over her, hopefully."

Tanner's chocolate brown eyes meet mine. "It's not that simple to get over a girl you like."

His gaze is so intense, that I find myself looking away— uncomfortable.

"There's a carnival happening tonight further down the beach. Would you want to go?"

I look back at him and smile. "Never been to a carnival before. Why not, it sounds like fun!"

"Great, I'll pick you up at seven." He scratches Leo behind the ears. "Now I gotta run. I have a student coming in a few minutes for a surfing lesson."

"You better go then," I tell him as I reattach Leo to his leash.

"I'll see you later," Tanner says, leaning in for a quick kiss.

I watch him run off before heading back toward the apartment.

Hopefully, by now, Eva is back from her date with Kent, or what I assume is one anyway. It's about time I ask her all the questions that I have. I want to know everything!



After walking around for some time, we decide to head back to the Los Angeles Plaza.

As we are nearing the entrance, we see Alexia and Leo.

I wave at her when she looks our way.

Her eyes move between us and then to our interlocked hands. I squirm under her gaze, but don't let go.

We near the entrance at the same time and enter our apartment in relative silence.

When we are all inside Alexia closes the door with a dramatic flair. Then all of us, Leo included, sit on the couch.

"Seems my suspicion was correct," Alexia is the first to speak.

"What do you mean?" I sit up a little straighter.

"I mean that I had a feeling Kent liked you and I was correct," she explains.

I look over at Kent who shrugs.

"I'm also glad you like him back. I'm happy for the both of you," she adds.

"Thanks, Alexia." I grin at her.

"So, are you officially boyfriend and girlfriend now?"

I blush. "We didn't really discuss that," I admit, "We are taking it one step at a time."

She nods. "Okay. Then how was your first date? I want all the details!"

So, I tell her about how we got ice cream, and how Kent wrote on a napkin to ask me out, and then we walked around, enjoying the outdoors.

"That's sweet." I can see the smile in her eyes.

No one seems to know what to say after that, until Alexia saves the conversation once more, "So Tanner invited me to a carnival and I was wondering since you are a thing now if you would want to make it a double date?"

We both look to Kent. "I'm cool with that," he replies, "Do you want to Eva?"

"Sounds fun!"

"Great," Alexia states, "I'll let Tanner know."

She gets up from the couch to call Tanner, leaving Kent and me alone. I pat my lap and Leo, understanding the signal, sits on me. Leaning my head on Kent's shoulder, I stroke Leo's soft fur. I then close my eyes and really allow myself to enjoy the moment.

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