Chapter 7

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I stare at the chunk of meat before me, wondering what Plutonian animal it is.

"Your father called me." I look over at Eva who's sitting across from me, busy chopping away at her meat.

"What did he say?" I ask.

She places a piece of meat in her mouth, chewing slowly. I wait patiently for her to finish. "He said he's been trying to reach you..."

"That's odd." I gaze down at the compact mirror I wear on a golden chain around my neck. "Doesn't show any missed calls. I must have not had the best of service earlier. I was deep in Pluto."

"Makes sense then. He was just checking up on us, nothing of much importance. I told him that we'll be staying here for a bit longer."

I put down the glass of wine I was busy sipping from. "You haven't finished making the potion yet?"

"I have." She leans forward in her seat, her eyes not wavering from mine. I hold my breath, whatever she has to say I know won't be good. "I overheard Prince Kent's 'brother' plotting something awful. I've already told the prince what I discovered and he wants me to repeat what I heard before the council. I am scheduled to go before them tomorrow."

"Wow," I manage to breathe. "That's crazy Eva. Keep whatever you overheard to yourself until you have to go before the council. The more people who know the bigger the risk of Prince Kent's 'brother' finding out that someone's onto him." I lean across the rectangular table and place my hand over hers. "Please, be careful."

"Don't worry," she assures me. "We have everything under control."

"Ok, good. Now then if you'll excuse me I'm going to find the kitchens and demand that they give me something edible to eat. This meat is making me nauseous."

"Good luck. If you get anything good, bring some back for me."

I smile. "Yes, ma'am." And with that I head out of her room, closing the door gently behind me. With the door shut, I lean against the wood and take in a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart.

Eva caught herself in a dangerous web. I really hope that she knows what she is doing and remains safe. I fear for her. And won't let anything bad happen to her.

I will be her guardian angel.



I toss and turn nearly the whole night through. When the morning comes, I'm almost thankful for it. I rub the tiredness from my eyes and get up.

Once I'm dressed and have checked myself for the second time, I head downstairs to get a coffee. I need to be in a most alert state today. As I am leaving the kitchen to make sure Eva is awake, I decide to get her a coffee too. She must have hardly slept.

On my way up the stairs, I meet my father.

"Are you going to wake her up?" He asks as he eyes the mug in my hand.

I nod. "Sorry I didn't make you one, father," I say, continuing my way up the stairs, him right behind me.

I rap on Eva's door and she opens it. She is dressed for the part I'm forcing her to play. Her blue hair is tied back making her jawline more prominent than usual. She wears a long simple, yet somehow elegant, dress. She almost looks...

"It's time," my father informs us.

We follow him down the long corridor and I notice Eva mumbling to herself.

When we reach the room where the council is meeting, the guards open the doors and I take a deep breath before entering.

As soon as we all sit I feel the chilling stare of Ethan directed our way.

I turn towards Eva who has her head in her hands while repeating softly to herself, "Don't let him get to you."

Placing a hand on her shoulder, she looks up at me. "I'm sorry..."

"It's okay," she cuts me off, "I know I speak the truth. I got this"

I just nod at her, impressed by her certainty.



The case has begun. Ethan goes first and speaks of his loyalty and so on. I grit my teeth and hope the Council isn't buying the lies he is feeding them.

Then it is my turn, and I state my story from beginning to end. Not that it is a long story.

"So you do not know who the other man was?" A white-haired councilman asks me, "The one who with Ethan was discussing the King's demise?"

"I do not," I affirm, "I ran before I could see anything."

"Or you are lying and that's why you don't know who the supposed man is," Ethan sneers.

"Or you can be lying," I reply sharply.

"Why would I do that?" Ethan gives me a cold smile. "You on the other hand would lie for the prince."

"And why would she do that?" Prince Kent practically hisses.

"Because she likes you," Ethan says simply.

"Very clever." I narrow my eyes at Ethan, annoyed. "You have done a great job in trying to take the focus off of yourself." I sweep my eyes around the large circular room and land on the very thing Ethan hopes no one will notice. I walk towards it, or rather him. "Now I see the reason you would make such an outrageous statement. Please tell me," I address the young-man who blocks the doorway, "Why do you tremble so?"

"It's chilly in here," he says, and I don't fail to notice the quick look he sends Ethan's way.

"Please step forward," a firey-red-haired council member demands.

It doesn't take long for the man to crack under the weight of so many questions. The truth spills from his mouth like water.

Ethan and the man are cuffed and led away.

"One day you will all pay," Ethan growls.

"No, you will pay," the king calls after him. He then turns to me, "I owe you. Without you, we couldn't have framed my son."

I curtsy. "You owe me nothing, Your Majesty. I am thankful I was able to help."

He smiles at me, though his eyes look both sad and tired. Ethan is still his son after all. "If I may, your Grace. I think the King should rest. That is what I ask."

He laughs. "Very well." 

Together we walk out of the council meeting and back to the main body of the Palace.

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