Part 10

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The device stopped and declared the heartbeat unbelievable, the nurse rushed to the doctor
To save the patient,
The doctor ran with a group of nurses behind him
The patient and the device are examined
Doctor / Who was the patient with the last time?
Nurse: 1 / I did not see someone else, a doctor, who entered her a little earlier
Doctor / the ventilator is cut off. Do you think who will do that?
The nurse / I think someone entered and exited without anyone taking his mind and he could not see a trace
Doctor / Aunt, get another machine quickly and give resuscitation equipment when we try
The doctor tried to resuscitate her heart, but to no avail, he tried again and again, but all this was to no avail
He tries and tries, but the device gives no sign of hope
The doctor came out of the room, with his head bowed, with severe signs of sorrow for not being able to save the patient
Grandma / with eagerness / Ha, Doctor, please tell Hajar!
Doctor / I'm sorry, but I really couldn't save her, stay for God
The last hope to save Hajar collapsed!
Everyone collapsed from this news ..
Is it possible that Hajar died?  No this is unreasonable!  Hajar is strong and does not succumb to death. She had dreams that have not yet come true, and she wants to fulfill her dreams. Is it possible that Hajar will no longer be among them ?!  Can you believe that Hajar is a war?
M .. she died ?!  Death is not a crime, but separation is very difficult and cruel, but this is our destiny and is inevitable
We believe in it, no matter how much this fate, it must be inevitable, there is no doubt about that ...
Her death was inevitable, so we must believe that what happened is nothing but fate, and it has no other clauses than that
Hajar is dead and it's over

She fell from her sleep terrified again

She called with dread and a loud voice that did not realize its meaning. Haaggerrrr !!  She felt that her heart would stop, because there is someone dear to her heart in danger
Who is he?  She had these dreams again
But frequently
And she felt that among her dreams there was someone who felt that he was in danger. Hajar is the one who forges her dreams in this repeated way and feels that they are in danger.
She felt that her mind would stop from so much thinking and confusion
Suddenly, she felt severe pain, paralyzing her body, pain as if it were childbirth pains. She tried to suppress the pain, but the pain was increasing
She could not bear it and cried for someone to find her
All the people of the house rose in horror at the sound of her screaming
Sarah / Malik Yasandi Vicky eh?
Sandy / with pain / I feel like a bold ...
Sarah / Concerned / Ok, I can give you an Arabic ambulance, who will take you to the hospital
Maggie / Arabia, I will be absent when I arrive. I will request Uber and for a second it will be here
Sarah / Even the IRC Operator is late. Okay. I’m going to see any taxi that takes us to the hospital quickly, you don’t worry.
Maggie / Ok, quickly
Sarah rushed out after getting dressed and stopped a taxi that was passing by by accident to go to the garage.
Maggie Sandy got off quickly and they went to the nearest hospital
At the hospital gate
They run jogging and Sandy's pain is starting to reach its maximum
A nurse quickly got out in a moving cart after he heard them cry
He pointed to the nurse standing next to him / my soul club to the doctor
Let them quickly prepare the basin for operations
Nurse / Attended
The nurse took it on the cart / wrote the information at reception and got me the operations
Maggie / present
She addressed her words to Sarah / my soul, you are with them and I will finish the hospital procedures
Sara / Okay
Maggie / present
Sarah went in and Mahe finished the hospital procedures
And wait for the operations

Everyone stood up, shocked by the doctor's words, and collapsed after Hajar's death
Diya / I am the reason, I am the reason. I want to see her look alone at this time ..
Grandmother / I mean, its rise or change of rise, the salvation of the subject, Yadia, the salvation of what happened happened, and God has migrated, have mercy on her, and the subject has ended.
Mason / Still able to hold on to him?
Grandma / Do you not see how you are working?
When you are collapsed, who will you touch?  Ha?  Answer me!  What are you thinking?  This is the judgment of our Lord and the fulfillment of salvation, will we disbelieve or what?
Lamar / salvation comes to him Hajar died, and it is not a time for discussion, nor a place for discussion
Dia / Salvation

Asmaituh Qadr  Writer Asmaa Elemary Where stories live. Discover now