Part Five

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In the palace of the Harb family.
Hajar stands shocked by Murad's words ....
Murad / Malek Ya Hajar?  You don't believe me?
Hajar / Hesitating / Honestly, you surprised me with the meaning of the word, so I must be nervous about your words, especially since we do not know some other than how many hours ...
Intend.  / Your right, but I really love you. What did you say, immigrate?
Hajar / Murad, if you please, I don’t carry a lot of words. I’m just emerging from the crisis of Josie's death, so let me know about things. I honestly love Dr. Khaled, and how can you tell me to marry you?  No one told you I passed by?
Murad / I know Ya Hajar and I love you ...
Hajar / But I am like that, Dr. Khaled, and honestly, this is the most precious person in my heart ... How do you imagine that I can betray him?
Murad / But you have to excel!  .
Hajar / Above from what?
Murad / from illusion;
Hajar / An illusion?  What are they?  what do you mean?
Murad / Dr. Khaled died, I must excel ...
Hajar / But I love Khaled ...
Murad / You are not, but above me, and I wish you understood that you are not returning from a crisis, so do not let yourself be in another crisis ...
Hajar / Crisis ?!
Murad / Uh .. Above me ...
Hajar / Impossible to forget ...
"Above me is his hill" "Above me migrate ...!
She woke up terrified of her sleep and started looking around like a madman, checking where Murad is?  But you did not find one
I found the room empty ...
Sigh / Dedicate O Hajer This is just a nightmare for more or less Murad. Who loves you?  No, this is a dream, not more, and I wish you could understand more. You are fine, praise be to God, and you still love Khaled ....
She closed her eyes comfortably when she remembered Khaled and started collapsing in tears until she completely calmed down, got up, went into the bathroom and was under the warm water
But I stood rigidly and terrified as she recalled the details of this nightmare ...
Murad, love, new life, past ....
What is the issue, and how is this nightmare?  Is it just a coincidence?  But how to be a coincidence?  Or is there a mystery in this nightmare and how will you explain it?
If this nightmare comes true and becomes a reality?  Will she accept this situation and accept Murad being a husband? How can she imagine him as a husband ?!
But she came back and said what is wrong with that?
And she began to remember his handsome and eyes and the first meeting, and will it be the last meeting?  Or does fate have an opinion and that this nightmare is the reality of its future?
But how will you know?
She got out of the bathroom and went to the dressing room and chose her usual elegant clothes ....

She got dressed, took his bag, got off and got into her car

She headed towards the house of the Saadani family and stood in front of the house hesitating and swept into waves of ideas. How will Murad receive her presence?  How will you justify its existence?
Hajar entered, hesitating. The maid met her and received her ....
The maid / Hey, can I help you with something?
Hajar / Mason are there?
The maid.  Do you want something from her?
Hajar thought that Maysoon was an argument in order to see Murad and see what you would find on his part, and she decided to find out the mystery of the nightmare

The maid took her away from her distraction
The maid / Ha Yahanem?  Tell me I want her in something?
Hajar / Tell her that her sister Hajar is under a need and will sit with her ...
The maid / attendant.  Give me minutes and I will call her .. go ahead
Hajar / Thank you
The maid took her to the reception room
Hajar sat waiting for Murad entering or leaving, or until she saw him ....
The maid went up to Mayson's room and knocked on the door, and Majid opened for her.
Majid / Good Yarawiya?  Is there anything needed?
Narrator / Honestly, Mr. Majid, there is one under I want the six Mason ...
Majid / one who did not say her name eh?
A narrator / uh, her name is Hajar, and she says she is the sister of the six Mason ...
Majid / Ok, go to healthy Maysoon and I Hanzel greeted her ...
Narrator / Present ...
Rawya entered and Majed quickly came to meet Hajar, and he had not seen her for a long time since she left to America
Majid, welcome / how are you, Hajar! Praise be to God, for your safety!
Hajar / Majid!  How are you?  Your appearance changed a lot from the last time I saw you ...
Majid / Of course I did not marry your sister!  The actress must change my lips
Hajar / with a laugh / But the sweet ...
Majid / cheerfully / hard?  I mean, you will marry me?
Mason, cheerfully behind him / Do you say something wrong?
Majid inhaled from the squab and spoke cheerfully / Me!  No, of course, I couldn't say that?
Mason / Amal, who was a little flirtatious with my sister?
Majid / Suri ....
Hajar / Are you workers in your life?
Mason / Zee Manty, see ... but why did you come?  Wasn't that surprising when I was going to see you and sit with you?
Hajar / I'm already attached to sitting with you about this?
Maysoon / Ok, come sit out ...
************************************************  ****
She sat apart, with her friends next to her talking to her, and there was no life to whom she called ....
Her friend who is called famous / What is my girl?  Sarhana Malik in what?  I can talk an hour, and you are not with me!  Oh dia!
Do you say something famous?
Shahira / Say something?  I said many things.  Owner?  Why not focused?  Why do you need to work on my behalf?  Is it looks good, isn't that?
Dia / he and he is not!
Shahira / This is a fazorah this or what?
Diya / with a sigh / By God, I know a famous man!
Shahira / What does it mean?  I don't understand what do you mean, girl?
Dia / I mean Hajar, my sister, I don’t know her life, where will I reach him?
Hajar from behind her / Will you reach everything good, God willing, Yadia?
Diya / Shocked / Hajar?  A ... a .... when did you come?  And did you know where I am from?
Hajar / Wasel from my very beginning my daughter from the morning ...
Diya / But why didn't you tell?
Hajar / I was a surprise worker ...
Shahira / Ok Hasibqua now with each other and thank God for safety ...
Hajar / God bless you, Shahira .. Thank you for your taste.
She left them and went and sat Hajar in exchange for Diya, and Hajar thought that Diya was happy with the news of her return, but she made a mistake when she found signs of sadness and distress on her face ...
Hajar / Malik, Diya?
Diya / hesitantly / Do not migrate, I am good and happy with your very return ...
Hajar / Not at all ... in it, Yadia, I am not a student and it is not the first time that I know you because you are hiding me!  What?  There is someone misfortune to tell me ...
Diya / tight / I am afraid of what I will tell you ...
Hajar / With distress / What do you think Yadia?  What?
Diya / Honestly, Hajar ... and before she finished her speech, she burst into tears
Hajar / Give Yadia, but Malik understood me, and what is your opinion?
Diya / It's okay that you came back to my life to calm me and stand by my side ...
Hajar / Ok, and why did you understand me about it ?!
Diya / Okay I'll tell you ... *****

Flash back ....
Grandma Susan was with Lamar in her room, and Diya wanted to come in to stand by her sister in the plight of addiction and reassure her to get out of the ordeal
When she ran to enter, she stood at the door, shocked, and her foot could not take a step either forward or backward
Grandmother took pity on Lamar's condition
She consoled her and let her beware of hearing her mother's words ...
Grandma / Lamar, please Daughter, come to a clinic to deal with what you are in, and why did you come to yourself?
Lamar / You say to me, what will he come to? You want to tell me that I am entering a health clinic, and I heard you ... You do not think that I am a rock star, and I can enter a hospital that works with confusion, and before all this, I have never forgotten a war or what?
Grandma / Why did you think about your reputation before the addiction?
Lamar / I mean, what do you have to do? I don’t think of what is happening to us?  Hajar, who bore our worries and raised us as a mother, not like a sister, and you are our idol, hide for us the fact that Mama lives and she is the reason for our unhappiness?
Grandmother / my daughter, I told you how many times, Talai Hajar from the calculation, by God Almighty Hajar, you do not know a need for all that I told you that Wafa Aisha ... she does not know a final need about the subject ...
Lamar / Ok, give me an explanation for me that is happening around .. Why is the fulfillment of our sister? Why did her daughters leave and run away?  Ha?
Grandma / Because I told you that she stole the family and ran ...
Lamar / Ok, how?  I hope we are living in goodness, what is this?
Grandma / Because I worked and inquit to preserve the property and wealth of a war family ... to the extent that the company stood on its feet and also saved our reputation from collapsing, and we would have declared our bankruptcy, but our Lord did not want to expose us finally, so that is the best of our side ...
Our Lord, with all the children of Adam, wants to remain good and good ...
Lamr / I should not believe that?
Grandma / Uh, I have to believe ...
Lamar / And if I tell you something else?
Grandma / My daughter is really the daughter of Wafaa, not the daughter of Hamza ... she remains hate and hatred of Wafaa.
I feel that I am Marbchi ...
I did not come / cry / did not come, you raised me well .. but I was sure because if loyalty, I tried to stand in my way. I or one of my sisters know I would respond to her with confidence .. You think that she can sign between me and you as the devil in Heaven ...
It is impossible for me to leave Hajar, or you, a woman, or one of my sisters ... We wish to meet Sandy or mourn her.
Grandma / So, you really prove that you are the daughter of Hamza diligently and that you are raising Hajar and raising me, but promise me that you will be treated for addiction ..
Lamar / Because I thought you and emigrated, OK ...
Grandma / To think about yourself, oh my soul ...
Lamar / Tetteh!
Grandma / Yes!
Lamar / Awake, one of my sisters knew the existence of Wafa, even Hajar, because they are very emotional and they may fall into her window ..
Grandma / present ... I hope you will relax and continue our words in two dimensions
Lamar / Ok well ...

Bye bye ....
Dia collapsed from crying ...
Hajar / It remains like that, we know Maysoon ...
Diya / Did you know?
Hajar / I knew today while I was on the plane ...
Diya / did you know how?
Hajar / Haqulak ****
Hajar told her everything that happened between her and the victory in the plane ...
Diya / You are right with you, but we will tell Mason so that there is a time when we know everything, and what you will tell us and understand is his death, and we blame each other even after the passes come back and inquire more ...
Hajar / Then we start to turn to Sandy ...
Diya / But we don’t know if she is alive or dead ..?
Hajar / Handor, and we know if she is alive or dead because it is time for us to turn to her ...
Diya / ok ...
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
In the Saadani family palace ...
Murad sits in his room thinking about what he saw, is it reasonable to see him?  Is it possible that he knew that he fell in love with Hajar at first sight?
No, I am not starting to deny that between himself and himself, but he was amazed if he was denying what he thinks, so why did he dream that he asked her to marry?  What does this dream explain?  He is not aware of what is actually happening around him
Thinking will kill him when he wants to think about Lara. That dream appears in front of him and the image of Hajar does not leave his imagination, and this dream what he wants to explain that he does not understand anything ...
What draws him fate?  And what does he intend?  Will this dream come out to light?  Or is there other interpretations of fate, and will he marry Lara?  Which is nearing the date of their wedding or what will happen?
Something will happen ... and this dream will cause Hajar and Murad's life to change. So this couple saw the same dream. Is this a sign of fate or what?  The important thing is that destiny manages and estimates something for them in the knowledge of the unseen ... and the most important thing is that their lives because of this dream will be turned upside down ...
Wait for the upcoming events ....
A novel I called it destiny
Author /
Asma Al-Omari ...

Asmaituh Qadr  Writer Asmaa Elemary Where stories live. Discover now