Part Three

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Flash back ....
She was shopping with her grandmother last year in London when they collided with a very elegant and beautiful woman, as if she looked a lot like Hajar ...
But she is elegant, but she wears disgusting and short clothes, so after Lamar's imagination, she is Hajar because Hajar does not wear such clothes ...
Lamar / I am sorry ..
Lamar spoke English due to her nature as England
But she did not notice that she was under that woman's gaze ...
Lamar was amazed at her looks and checked her features a lot, and suddenly, without introductions, she embraced Mar Farha ... forgetting the call of any mind or logic, only listening to the voice of the heart ...
Lamar / with joy / Mama!
Eyes teared up with joy ...
Feelings are very tense and scattered, so many questions interfere with her heart and her mind in particular.
But it is okay, the important thing is that she is happy now despite the overlapping questions crowding in her mind, but the most important thing in the present is that the past does not concern her in something as if it was evaporated and did not happen that she fell into her mother’s bosom and embraced her with great longing
But here are those who pulled her out of her dreams ...

Her grandmother grabbed her by her hand and left the place. She did not understand why she was just running to keep pace with her grandmother's walking movement
They arrived at the hotel here, her grandmother spoke ...
Grandma / What did you do this?
Here Lamar interfered without thinking, or any thought, or any respect for her grandmother .... / What could I understand?  Why are you lying ...?
Grandma / Shockingly / Caddabin ?!
Lamar / Aywa Kadabin .. Why do you lie, you and Hajar on the basis that Mama is dead and she is still alive? What is his name, what is it?
Grandma / First you talk about Hajar with respect. Secondly, you are your homeland.
Lamar / Hajar ... you have proven now that it is bigger as an animal ...
Grandma / I told you, “I’ll come to Hajar, right away.” Then, is this not Hajar, whom you consider your mother, nor is it just words?
Lamar / Until now, I used to consider her my mother and I love her more than myself, but unfortunately now you have turned love into hate .. I have been called upon by her now and may God prefer in her grief like that.
Here, the grandmother could not bear bad words to Hajar, even from her sister ... so she slapped a passer with all her strength, to the point that a passerby fell on the ground from the force of the slap ....
Why are you hitting me?
Grandma / Break your bone fiddle.  I don’t know why Hajar endured every beast in order to raise you, even though you were not old enough and she was young, but opposite you were conscious and reached and matured prematurely, and all that is because you don’t feel you walk away from your mother’s separation Why?
Why / so that you can still live in the role of the victim?
Grandma / Shut up!  Why will she live the role even though she is one of the richest and most famous families in the Arab world, and in her hands she does any need that you know what was related to her twin Sandy, and when she lost she did not know what she was broken ... No, and you will not see if you were young at that time ....
Lamar / Okay, I will believe, or will I try to believe the sacrifices, but just tell me why did you laugh at us and say that Mama is dead?  Answer me?  And you don’t like you. I don’t like that, because you left it out of our lives, and you’re sitting in Hajar like you didn’t want until I saw a copy of you, not like that?  When she healed me, I checked her features and knew that she is my mother who has been deprived of her for 20 years, preventing me and making me the role of idealism?
Grandmother / It seems that the words of you are not necessary. Hear me now, when you feel that you are my gift and think about the words that I will tell you immediately. The time remains for our Lord, but what I will tell you. Neither Hagar nor your sisters know about what need you understand?
Lamar / Saminy, ...
Grandma / From 25 years old ..... *******

After what the grandmother said, she left Lamar and went to the airport and with the first plane she returned to Egypt ....
As for Lamar, she stayed away from them for a long time, trying to reach her mother, so that she could understand from her the correctness or error of this statement
Until she returned to her senses, returned to Egypt, and her hatred for Hajar and her family disappeared. She believed her grandmother's words and returned and apologized and returned to her normal life ....

Asmaituh Qadr  Writer Asmaa Elemary Where stories live. Discover now