chapter twenty-one

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Kato awoke with a start in a hospital bed. She sat up breathing heavily. She looked around the room, her vision altered. She rubbed her eyes and when she opened her eyes she saw her father standing in front of her. "Kato.." he said. She started crying "Dad im so sorry.." He leaned down and hugged her, gently sitting on the bed. She sobbed into his shoulder for about 5 minutes until she remembered. "I didn't forget" she said suddenly. Loki gave a confused look. "Didn't forget..?" She smiled and laughed, wiping her tears. "Where is Oryx?" Kato tried to get up. "Woah, woah. Kato, relax. Sit down." he pushed her back on the bed gently. She felt dizzy. "Oryx is in the ICU recovering. Now tell me what happened." he said gently but firmly. 
When Kato finished telling her father what happened, he stayed silent and looked out the window. "Father..?" she whispered. "I knew i shouldn't have sent you down here. I knew you weren't ready for Midgard." he got up and paced. Kato's jaw dropped. "I have been here for three fucking years." she started. Loki turned around and looked at her. "I know more about Midgard, then you ever will." Kato stood up and threw a jacket on. "Do not tell me what you should and shouldn't have done because there are many, MANY mistakes you made that we should talk about." she walked out of the room with her oxygen pole and walked towards the ICU.  She asked a nurse where to find him, and the nurse led her to the room. She sat down in one of the chairs in the corner. She waited until he woke up to ask if he remembered.
When he woke up, he called her name. Kato was asleep in the chair. She woke up with a start when he called. She rubbed her eyes and walked over to his bed, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Hey.." he said wearily. She smiled and took his hand. "Hey there." Oryx grasped her hand and smiled. "Did you forget?" he whispered. "Not a thing." she started crying. "No, baby come here. What's the matter?" Oryx said as he pulled her closer. She layed her head on his chest and sighed. "I was so scared. I guess it's kind of a relief." she started. "I'm so exhausted. But i feel stronger. And my feelings for you have only gotten stronger. And I was afraid you were going to forget. Or pretend to forget." She wiped the tears but they kept falling. Oryx stroked her hair. "Kat. I'm not leaving you. Ever. My heart is yours to fill or burst. To break or bury. To wear as jewelry. whichever you prefer." he recited. Kato giggled and smiled. 

"i love you Oryx." she whispered. 

"i love you too" he replied. 

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