The Fifth Day

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January 5th, 2020, Sunday


The sky is bright, light

Blueish-gray with matted clouds

Thin as wisps of frost

There are a few leaves

Dried things that cling to the trees

They dance in the breeze

Outside my window

Dark limbs stretch past the window

The old glass cascades

Bending the soft light

Through the fluid pane, waving

The slowness of time

February 5th, 2020, Wednesday


It is chilly outside, but not cold for February

The sun is shining through a cloud filled sky; pale patches of blue speak of an early spring

Kitty is sleeping by the window as I write

I am listening to the news, it is a sad day; Donald Trump is to be acquitted of his crimes

America has become a lawless place, maybe. it always was a place of deep divisions, where the law is differently applied

On behalf of the rich and against the poor

Maybe nothing has changed at all, and America is just naked now, reveling in all her flaws

March 5th, 2020, Thursday


It is 5:27 in the morning

Kitty is yowling for attention, she is unhappy with the food in her dish

She wants something different, something fresh

She doesn't like the supplement I give her, to strengthen her joints, and her back legs

She is seventeen and getting arthritic, though she wants to play

She cannot jump anymore, she does not like to play string while laying on the floor

I lift her to the window so she can watch the dark street

April 5th, 2020, Sunday


The house smells of peppers and garlic and onions

The rising sun lights up the sky, soft blue, almost white

The street is quiet, quieter than usual

So quiet I can hear the gears turning in the empty bus that rolls by

The birds have noticed the change, the fox and the coyote too

There are fewer people to contend with in this time of concern, fewer cars and fewer people walking by

Fewer things to fear

May 5th, 2020, Tuesday


It is a bright morning

There is a plane flying overhead, though the city is quiet

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