✨Becoming Friends!✨

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He texted you to hang out with him so you agreed. Ya just chilling at the park and became best friends, somehow.

Ya were already friends since you move into his apartment.

He texted you if you would like to drink some tea with him, so you agreed and became friends by telling each other personality.

~Martial Law~
He texted you if ya wanted to go to the (F/F/P)(Favorite Food Places) for some breakfast after he wake you up, and becoming friends.

Hm, you and him just got ice cream and then becoming friends.

He decide to have an sleepover with you, so you agree and went to his place than watched your favorite anime(Can I join-) show than became friends so fAsT dude.

~North Korea & South Korea~
You and his brothers were friends already.... Logic!

Mhm, movie together, I hope it's not a date... Or is it?~ ; )

~Third Reich~
You and 3rd Reich testing back and forth each other until he said. "Want to go to Starbuck with me?" Than you said yes! Than you both keep on talking about personality while sipping your drink (or eating your food, idk) than you both became friends.

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