4-A Manager and a Dance

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A/n: The song is Airplanes by B.O.B ft. Hayley Williams. I don't claim to own the song nor the music video.

Jackie's POV

I walked into the host club. I saw a girl speaking in a French accent. I haven't seen her before... I could tell she had most of the hosts in confusion.

Soon enough she went off giving character types to the guys. The twins being basketball stars. Tamaki being a lonely prince. Haruhi being a bullied honor student by Mitsukuni, the baby-faced thug?

I mean he may be tough but I've never pictured him as a thug. Mori being his lacky friend. Kyoya already being perfect?

The girl then approached me, "Hi, I'm Renge."

I nodded towards her. I smiled, "I'm Jackie."

She exclaimed, "Oh, an American!" I rolled my eyes. That's all that gets the attention. She continued, "That'd make you..."

I cut her off, "What?"

She stated, "I'm the club's manager now. You must be the girl they're talking about being in the club."

Kyoya shot me a pointed look. I nodded, "Yeah, that's me."

She exclaimed, "We should go through a character change. That way everyone can have more depth."

She twirled then paused looking at me again. She stated, "You must be the girl that holds a deep secret. Yet what would the secret be?"

She mumbled, "Being disowned? A certain guilty pleasure? Being abused at home?"

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up into Mori's sorrowful eyes. I offered him a smile. It's okay. I understand.


I walked through the halls after school following Haruhi. "So, you said it's a movie shoot?" I pondered.

"Yes, that's her idea. Renge thought that a movie with acting as those types would be artistic." Haruhi replied.

I shook my head in disbelief. I sighed, "I wish I didn't have to participate in it. Especially with what she picked to be my secret."

Haruhi asked, "What did she decide?"

I responded, "That I was the disowned daughter to an influential family."

Haruhi replied, "Far fetched, hmm?"

I giggled trying to hide my nervousness. I replied, "Of course."

We continued walking in silence out into the courtyard. I saw production crew people running all around. Some had scripts that were slightly crumpled, while others had cameras.

I smiled at all the commotion. Serenity would love all the activity. I wish I could be by her side right now. I clung to the wall and finally turned a corner. I saw Renge trying to grab someone else's attention.

I sighed guessing that I'd be better than no one. I went over to her and the two guys she had brought. She presented them to me, "These two gentlemen have just agreed to make a special appearance in our film."

They spoke but I barely heard them. I was focused on Renge's excited eyes. She enthusiastically stated, "After all we're going to need some tough guys for the climax."

She looked at the wall seemingly lost in her thoughts. She continued ranting, "That's when all of the club members come together to fight against the real villains of their school. According to the script, these two are from a wealthy family that got their wealth from being part of the Japanese mafia."

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